

Course content

PKO 1 understands the need of self-improvement P_K02 understands the need of improve the guality of life of the inhabitants_

KK01 K K02

Natural Landscapes and their classification. Stages and steps in transformation of the landscape by humans. The concept of sty le landscape and its evolution. Natural spatial units and their functioning. Methods for assessing the value of the landscape. Planning the landscape systems.

Recommended reading


Chmielewski T.J., Systemy krajobrazowe, Struktura-funkcjonowanie-planowanie, Warszawa 2012

Herber Z., Urbański P., Kształtowanie terenów zieleni z elementami ekologii, Poznań 2005 Matuszkiwicz W. (red), Zbiorow iska roślinne Polski. Lasy i zarośla. Warszaw a 2012


Chmielewski J. M., Teoria urbanistyki w projektowaniu i planowaniu miast. Warszawa 2001

Kupidura A., Łuczewski M.. Kupidura P., Wartość krajobrazu. Rozwój przestrzeni obszarów

wiejskich., Warszawa 2012

Asseessment methods and criteria

Tests: P W01,P W02, P W03,P W04

Multimedia presentations and projects: P W01, P W02, P W03, P W04, P U01, P U02,

P U03.P KOL P K02

Student workload

Number of hours

Contact hours


Individual work of student

Class preparation


Study of the literaturę


Preparation for tests and the examination




Total student workload (hours)


Number of ECTS credits allocated




Landscape Architecture, 11


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