Journal of Curriculum and Teaching Vol. 8. No. 1; 2019
Nurfatimah Sugrah1*, St. Hayatun Nur Abu\ Nurul Aulia Rahman1, Khusna Arif Rakhman1, Muhammad Danial2 &
Muhammad Anwar2
'Universitas Khairun, Tcmatc, Indoncsia 2Universitas Negeri Makassar, Makassar, Indonesia
*Correspondence: Departmen of Educational Chemistry, Universitas Khairun, Temate. Maluku Utara, Indonesia. E-mail:
Received: June 30, 2018 Accepted: January 26,2019 Online Published: February 14, 2019 doi:10.5430/jct.v8nlpl 1 URL: 1
This article discusses the influence of leaming support processes and resources in the knowledge of Chemical Laboratory skills of high school students in Temate Island. The leaming process of chemistry in high school cspccially on laboratory, related to time/schcdulc allocation, practical purpose and achicvcmcnt indicator in skill area become the focus of discussion on this aspect. While the supporting resources of leaming, morę emphasized on aspects of facilities and infrastmeture such as the availability of educators, laboratory buildings, tools and Chemicals that are based on the valuc of accrcditation Senior High School in Temate Island. in this study using 3 methods of collecting data such as survey techniąues in schools, interview with teachers in schools and tests students' lab skills. The results showed that the knowledge of high school students' lab skills on Temate Island is getting higher in schools with better accrcditation. Skill Knowledge of High School Students in Temate Island is still in the Iow category on the glass organizing aspect at the laboratory.
Keywords: laboratory skills, laboratory skills assessment, senior high school assessment
Published by Sciedu Press
ISSN 1927-2677 E-ISSN192 7-2685
1.1 Leaming process of Chemistry' Lab Skills in School
The assessment of chemistry leaming at the primary and secondary level in Indonesia is still dominated by the cvaluation of students' cognitivc aspects. This is scen in the cvaluation method uscd nationally using test tcchniqucs with the problem instrument on theoretical knowledge aspects. If that is the goal of education in schools is the improvement of students' knowledge. attitudes, and skills (Somez, 2017), how is the evaluation of attitude and skills aspects of schooling actually done?. This article tries to discuss students' abilitics in chemistry leaming in the laboratory on skill aspects based on measurements in schools.
The process of leaming chemistry skills of students in the laboratory is manifested in practical activitics. But not all high schools in Temate have the same portion in organizing labs for students. The availability of existing facilities and resources is a separate consideration for teachers and schools to organize such activities. So that morę chemistry leaming activitics conducted in the classroom. These constraints make the process and assessment of laboratory skills students do not have the same leaming achievement at the high school level. The absence of an evaluation instrument on the knowledge of chemistry laboratory skills in high school students provides a broad space to develop leaming achicvcmcnt in the student skill domain at the school lcvcl.
1.2 Perspective to Build Knowledge front Experience of Chemistry in the Laboratory
Leaming science in Indonesia has been introduced from an early age (3-5 years old) in non-formal schools. But morę intcnsivc ncw chemistry lessons are taught in high school. Along with the dcvclopment of curriculum in high school, chemistry leaming in high school initially focused on understanding the concept of chemistry on cognitive aspects, especially cognitive level 1 (remembrance) up to 4 (analysis) in Bloonfs taxonomy. But now, with the enaetment of KKNI-bascd curriculum, the achicvcmcnt of high school students' leaming is enhaneed to think high level at level 5