Certificate of Tarticipatum

This is to certify that ISAG Institutional Member number 93189

Genomia s.r.o.

Plzen. Czech Republic

has partcip3łed «the

2015-2016 International Cat STR Typing Comparison Test

wth the foCowing resułt:

Absolute genotyping accuracy rank: 1 Total number of participatng labs: 23

Absolute genotyping Accuracy


% L3bs

1: 100% -98%


2: 97.9%-95%


3: 94.9% -90%


4: 89.9% - 80%


5: Belcw 80%



Based on ‘ourteen (14) STR markers (FCA026. FCA059. FCA075. FCA105. FCA149. FCA201. FCA220. FCA229. FCA293. FCA310. FCA441. FCA453. FCA649. FCA678) and a gender Marker: AMEL or ZFXY

Absolute genotyping accuracy (Aga): (Nga - Gea) / Wga (as percent3ge) conscers the total number of discrepancies. that is genotyping errors and "bianks" (no genctype reported)

Wga: total number of expected genctypes (reference samples not included)

Gea: total number of genctype errcrs. incłudng blanks

President: Dr. James Kijas

Secretary: Dr. Ingrid Olsaker

ISAG a a scienofK socery that pmioes a forum for me excnange of Information, mamcos ano mare.oals eefween memoers and tor staraarazaoon of genzt/png nomensiatore. ISA G is noc .'.nvo.',ed m me accreozat&r, ofserv*:e geoccyp&g laooraccnes cr nstfutior.s ano ISAG ooes nor regaro oanopaton .w ,ts Compateon Tesrs as moKaung mara laooraroryis m:ematior,a\y accreored 7his ce.tttare refacrs me

laoorarory performance m me specttic comparison ;esr.


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