OBJBCT: Program to calculate
and plot the depletion width vs impurity
concentration (NA ^ dep,etion widlh (w) versus the ,mPuritY junctions maintained at 300.!^ ^ d°Ped Side °f si P ł n and " ł P st*P
covering the rangę 10 4/cl « ^ VA = 0 5 v- 0 v- a"d 10 V
' /cm3 a JVA or WD < 10|7/cm3
: The V# associated with the p+-n and n+-p step junctions is computed using the relationship established. Also, with the junction asymmetrically doped, the doping factor for W simplifies.
%Constants and Parameters T=300; % Temperaturę in Kelvin
k=8.617e-5; % Boltzmann constant (eV/K)
e0=8.85e-14; % permittivity of free space (F/cm) q=1.602e-19; % charge of an electron (coulomb)
KS=11.8; % dielectric constant of Si at 300K
ni=lelO; % intrinsic carrier conc. in Silicon at 300K (cmA-3)
EG=1.12; % band gap of Silicon (eV)
%Choose variable values
NB=logspace(14,17); % doping ranges from lel4 to lel7 VA=( 0.5 0 -10 ]; % VA values set
%Depletion width calculation
loglog(NB, W/-*)
axis([1.0el4 1.0el7 1.0e-l l.Oel]) grid
xlabel('NA or ND (cmA-3)')
Ylabel('W (micrometers)')