$ Remove gas connector and vacuum pump connector. Open waive O and E m order to recover the inside pressure ot glove port. Remove glove port cover and start operation or test after the atmospheric pressure back to normal.
< How to Use Pass Box >
You may break the surrounding if you repeat to open and close the door after successfulły finish gas replacement. If the materiał is smali please use pass box. It will protect the inside surrounding.
In case to pick up materiał from inside
1 Make sure the vacuum gauge indcates OM Pa.
2 Use glove to move the materia! into pass box. then close the pass Oox toner door
3 Open pass box outer door and pick up the matenal. Please do proper exhaust process at that time.
In case to put materiał into the box
and G are closed. then open the pass
J Make sure the vacuum gauge indcates OMPa, and the valve F
2 Make sure the pass box inner door is dosed by airtight handle, box outer door.
3 Put materiał into the pass box. the lock the pass bax lach lock
4 Connect valve G and vacuum pump.
5 Open vatve G, and operate vacuum pump to exhaust air inside Atter check the vacuum gauge reach to target rangę, close valve G and stop vacuum pump.
6 Please attach connector, which miroduce the gas to inside of the gkwe box. to valve F. Make sure that no any extra pressure on it at that time. Open valve F iittle by littie, and slowly introduce gas.
? Use vacuum gauge to make sure the inside pressure is OMPa (Atmospheric pressure). Then. close vatve F to stop gas suppty. You cando morę efiectwe gas replacement by repeat b - 7 step several times.
8 Remove vacuum pump and gas connector. Open pass box inner door and put materiał miothe box.
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