1. Logistics as a new knowledge domain or as a science discipline?
2. What is (in your opinion) a current State of logistics and what tendencies can be observed in logistics development?
3. Supply chains, logistics chains and logistics networks - an overview of selected definitions.
4. Logistics management and management of logistics Systems - comparisons.
5. Basic principles, rules and strategies in logistics.
6. Logistics and marketing management - similarities and differences.
7. Logistics and quality management - similarities and differences.
8. Logistics and controlling - similarities and differences.
9. Techniques and toolkits of modern logistics management.
10. „Trade off’ and „trade up" effects in logistics management - facts and myths.
11. Enterprise organisation structure and logistics efficiency or effectiveness.
12. Principles, methods and practice of materiał supply planning in logistics.
13. Optimisation in integrated and global logistics - challenges and barriers.
14. Practice of ABC and XYZ classifications applications in logistics - examples.
15. Logistics systems modelling - approaches and methods.
16. Methods and models of inventory control in logistics - from theory to practice.
17. Methods and algorithms of suppliers’ evaluation in logistics.
18. Logistics systems design - approaches and methods.
19. Logistics warehousing and distribution centres’ design - approaches and methods.
20. EAN bar codes, RFID and EPC technologies in logistics.
21. Intermodal and multimodal transport systems - challenges and barriers for development.
22. Customer service in logistics and marketing - strategies and measurement.
23. ECR strategy, method and ECR systems in logistics.
24. CRM systems in logistics.
25. Configuration of physical distribution systems in logistics.
26. Centralisation vs. decentralisation problems and determinants in supply chains.
27. MRP, ERP systems in production logistics - generations and structures.
28. JIT (JIT II) and KANBAN systems in modern logistics - case studies.
29. Logistics supply management - cooperation with partners (e.g. QR, CR, VMI systems).
30. The role of purchasing in logistics management - strategies and methods.
31. City logistics - assumptions, development perspectives and barriers.
32. Regional logistics - assumptions, development perspectives and barriers.
33. Logistics auditing in enterprises - methods and examples.