Lab. Materials and Minerals Processing Contac: yulisetiyorini@yahoo.com

Dept. Materials and Metallurgical Eng.

ITS Surabaya

Yuli Setiyorini, ST., MPhil., PliD. Eng.

■    Bachelor Engineering at ITS, Surabaya, Indonesia (Singapore Airline Scholar 1999-2003)

■    Master by Research at Curtin University of Technology, Western Australia [ADS Scholar 2008-2010)

■    Doctor at IMR, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan (Hitachi Scholar 2016-2019)

Research Interest lor Hedical and Industrial Applications

❖ Biomaterials

Controlled Drug Delivery Materiał Processing

Manufacturing (Conventional and Additive) Design and Performance




>    Pramita Lab Dental

>    Pelopor Implantindo Indonesia


>    Justifier Indonesia

>    RSUA

>    RSHA

>    Etc

Design, performance and manufacturing production of hip prosthesis joint CoCrMo Chitosan production for therapeutic agent, coating, biosorption heavy metals and rare earth Alternative antibiotic Surface modification for osseointegration Design, performance and manufacturing shock absorbent 3D Printing Dental Appliance    Mr



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