tions oi lab^Hr and all tao democratic ideale
et Ruesia.
rull rooogni tło
Guropo -woni ■ nn to communismy/It is difficult to eati-
I thoreloro obserye with proiound misgiying the activity oi German propaganda,hitherto cowpaletely disbeliered.whicli now aucceede in rebuilding the German morale - sliattered by mili tary defeats - b?yproyjgb^ that the Alliee are aiming not only at , / solilarity in battle.but also at a comproipise TTH'.iM)by tli u iluu:r*
W^tA^ŁiL &{kjA*r tti Ł. J (
mate iź^how far the declared 5oviet intentions towarde Foland
and the Baltic countries uay haveyTniluenced the attitude oi* uC
Turkey and Finland - thus aifecting directly military operatione. 'lĄ
It -may ni bf~£illicult to i%»■ iay wiiat conseąuencesjmay . to -ak and injjcfe Guropean countries
np the
.TOb tllU!L'UI 131 miTOB
PTI", fflgya m a nak ITT! i um se 1 vc b
tSyi Occupied Ku ropo iwi. boen-decidedly anti-German
•> {^4-Ła^L • f
u oiWapiaYre^eneration alt er its liberaTióiI.
and uiii9»e wae
i'he activityeo
oi* communist agencios brought about disunity and fear oi' chaos, lor these agencies have endeavoured in every country
the Germans,
Hu. *}_?h***U
the abrutale 4-o;r povn r in frim rutui-Ł Uuv uaiimuuu
eliberate concealment oi truthljt i a '■ooytai.niy not my
ifN»c concerned. %
C$!he to li sh nation mm
t*i ó-łSuLbrf*
than iwiit nn a rmnu-lt
•intention to disrupt the unity of the Allies.Hi story will reveal
ho *$£eneral Sikorski 's and my
ave reirained - lin
spite oi violent-nriiiciams oi the Polish oppoaition at home and \
1.10 lilóds
abroad - Ir om publishinŚfóacts whięh would
JżIeb- ' i Q.,'-'i'cC-Q-V-<L*~v
Useci by TTuaala Tn^Ter‘leaTlng3 witfe=*oland 'an' heV intentions
with regard to Poland
<*<y dii^-»M»ogtu ligjht.we have reirained