Cotowto Sc^ji UJrt«

Road the tcrrm below and thcn label the Water Cycle Diagram

The Water Cycle

(The Hydrologie Cycle)

Aciumujdtion the process in which water pools in large bedies (like oteans, seasand lakesj.

CondPnsation the process m which water vap«y |a gas) in the air turns into i»Quid water. Condensmg water form* rlouds m thr sky. Water drops that form on thr out u dr of a glass of iry water are candcnsed water. |Thn term appean twice in the diagram.}

Cyąpofation - the protez in which Iiquid water becomes water vapor (a gai). 'Water yapooies from the surfacesol oceansand lakes, from U>e surlaseof the land, and from meltsin snów fiekJs.

Prędpltatton the process in wh<h water (In the form of ram. snów. sleet. or hail) faiis from ekHids In the sky

Subsurfacc Runoff ra n. snów melt. ar otber water that flows in underground słreams. drains, ar sewers.

Surfąęp Rgnpff - ra n. srow melt. or other water that flows m sunące streams, rh*ers, or canals

Transpiration the proces* in which same water w.thin panu rvaporates into the atmor.phere. 'Water i* fint absarbed bv the plant's roots, thcn later exits by evap:x-ating thraugh parrs in the plant.

rhłr-k you lolrrh»-<fii I r.łr-*n^ fc.r ri*- iry*<v*thf<r t7»t*rlNTf dup*"


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