
Worksheet- Reoction Rot es

Uic this rcaztian for thc qucst;<>ns bclow CiHiżO/, (s) ♦ 6 0*(g)    6 H*0 (9) ♦ 6 CO* (g)

1. Whot Koppens to the concgntroT.ors of:

a. CiH^Or.& O; as thc reaction p^oceeds ->?    b H*0 ♦ CO; as thc reaction proceeds ->?

2.    Acccrdmg to the cołlision thccry. wHot 3 orcumstances cre needed for C.H^OaA O2 to reoct?

3.    Whot >s th« octiyntioo energy for o chemicol reoction?

4 Usc thc eq*jatior. & thc collision thcory to cxpłcin

AMiiO* (s) ♦ 6 O^g) -> 6 H*0 (9) - 6 CO* (9)

Oiangc in coodition:

Occs this inereose or dcccccsc thc ratc of


Explain why

a Incrcosino thc temperaturę

Ex: |ncrvMCi

Ex: W.1.1-/* r».»,*.«.

b. Iiytrtm-na The ŁKKtntratwn oi c*.

c. DecreosiM the ęoyv#ntrot,on of 0*

d Incrcosc thc curfncc arca nv ehewino up food «n yojr mouth

f- Ł££££flS!HLth« Temperatur*

f IncrcosirvQ thc pressure in thc ccntaincr

q bccreasina thc concentratron of H>G

h. Increasioo thc volumc of thc Container thc reoction occurs in

Increosino the concentration of CO:

i. Usioo a catalyst {like sciiyary omylcse)

5.    On the cccompaaying cncrgy dicg^om. lobel thc followng tcrms

a reoctants b Products c. actiynticn cncrgy

6.    On the gnaph to thc right. drów and label *hat this diagram wau'd look likc if a cotolyst was cddcd to thc


7. &rcph rcading

o Wom much cncrgy (U) do thc rcoctants havc> b Mew much cncrgy (#) do thc pnodocts havc?

c Wow much cncrgy (t$) is requined to octryatc this un-catałyzed reoction? d. Is thiS reoction endothermie or exothermie? Horn do yc-j knonr?


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