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Exam scoring process
NCEES administers some exams via computer-based testing and others via pencil-and-paper testing.The scoring process varies based on the testing experience. To learn morę, select a testing format.
Computer-based exams
Exam results are based on the total number of correct answers that you selected. There are no deductions for wrong answers. The score is then converted to a scaled score, which adjusts for any minor differences in difficulty across the different exam forms. This scaled score represents an examinee's ability level and is compared to the minimum ability level for that exam, which has been determined by subject-matter experts through psychometrie statistical methods. NCEES does not publish the passing score. NCEES scores each exam with no predetermined percentage of examinees that should pass or fail. Ali exams are scored the same way. First-time takers and repeat takers are graded to the same standard.
When will I get my result?
Exam results for computer-based exams are typically available 7-10 days after you take the exam. You will receive an email notification from NCEES with instructions to view your results in your MyNCEES account. Results will include information specific to your licensing board regarding how you should proceed based on your performance.
Your exam result
Exam results are reported pass/fail. If you did not pass the exam, you will receive a diagnostic report indicating subject areas of relative strength and weakness.The diagnostic report can assist you if you decide to retake the exam.
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