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possible return of the wretchednesa and ruin of war, with ita parli of mlaeriea, tragedy of agonles and inaxpreaaible aorrowa, which no volume of worda can evar profaaa to expresa.
Lovo ls the conmon denominator of peaoe and happlnaaa, and Peaoe the freedom influence forever reaiding with demooraoy, and deraocracy the hope and soul of humanity, the unoonquerable custodian of them all, which the duela with ita destiny oft have wounded but never can ita purpoaeful atride towards a greater soul of strong and kind be denled or defeated. All morally conscioua Allies have been fighting for something nobler than just defeat of foe, and all have ahared the frightful sacrifice and tyrannies of this world wide war and learned from its v/ounds the vital imperative need of creating a nem Modern World Unity of irrevocable security, freedom, and peace, upon the allegiahce to whioh dependa the survival of us all.
Beyond the dfeat of Germany there is a greater war to be won. The unconditional aurrender of enemy aggression. A smali prlce to aak of honeaty for the profit pf prioelesa peace* But if any seek to agress, and assi8tance hołd in abeyance untll peace aubmita to dureaa, ahould forfeit support to their security, untll they beoome responaible conscioua and oonform to belong* la there an ehically enlightened mind that can offer any other wiadom way, by which the fundamental essential of peace first can be formed, as the only sound basla upon which aocial and economic ordera may be built and reformed, that all peoplea of earth may peaceful live in accord with their cuatoms mood and modę of life within their own frontlers and that each country with its natural difference of temperament, genius, artistry and dexterity, may freely create the endless yariety of novel thlngs which each with the other will want to ezchange, to enhance the romance and happlneas, yirillty and love of life, and progresa the prosperity of all.
Can world security half of peace and half of hostility be formed? Unleas by the whole world restrained the greatest danger of all lies just ahead, by the abuse of a new formed poY/er - the miracle of motion and romance of revolving wheels -born of the might of the mi ero cosmic world - which though only intended for the effortless achieving of benefit to human welfare, could aoon surprisingly soon by outlaws of the air calling to atavism to hurry back from repositories of the past and claim ita reversionary rights to pervert this new atomie magie to a piracy of power to awiftly carry thousand ton bomba all the waT around the world and annihilate citiea ower night -1 munda te and desolate the earth to new deathful depths of massacre and disaster of oyerwhelming grief and sea of tears -