January lflth, 1^5.



Dtartfr. Pettigrew,

Z thank you Tory much lndeed fur your ldad lettar ef January ?th and fur tha nry raluable and frlandly adrloe whioh you nero good enough tu gira no. I oertalnly do rwaiłrr you fraa tha neuting uf tho Soottiah Pollah Sooiuty in Glasgow, tha nora au that our outual frlaad Sir Patrick Dallas, whoa I ruoantly had tha ptuasure to aaa In London and Er. Jur-Lorski, ay 3 « ar© tary, told urn nary u tinee what a darotud and txua friand you ara tu Poland. Alau I kaem «f your oormeotions with ualnant Brltiah polltlalana who hołd your opinlona in euah a graat astaua.

Z quita agrau with you that in tho present diffioult aituation tha Puliah Gur»i want should ropraaant all lapor ant polltioal partio* and Z aa aluo daoply oonrinood that you aro rlgfrt whan you aay that "no gueotion uf party or pefsonal lntcreet ahould ba oonsiderod," Thcrofore, Z do all Z oan to raaoh agro aant with Mr. Mikołajczyk and his Party and aako thm Jola tho Gabinet. Thia problaa has atlll gainod in laportanoe fraa tha noaaat tho Lublin Gomittae had baon rsoognlzed by tho 3ovieta aa tho Prorlslonal Gorumnent uf Poland and - in my belief - all perocmal oansider-ations, axoapt nattars uf ganoral łaportanoo, ahould be put aaida and not ba allnued to baouao an obstaniu toaarda tho attaiidng of an absolutu imion and understanding.

Plasso bolieyo na when I aay that in opita of tho faot that the wlewa of tha party of whioh Z na tha Chalraan ara entiroly difforent fraa tha ▼iewpolnt of, aay, tho National Denoarate, a perfect unity relgna withia tha present Pollah Goremaent. Thua Z think that whan you write obout tha laok of agreuaent ln the Pollah Guuernaent in London you hmre in nind tho polltioal diTersanoiaa ezisting botweea tha Gorermeet uf whioh Z w tha Praniar and oertain politiolana of tho Puaaant Party in London who, If thay stand outslda tha Gabinet, it la of thelr com will and deoiaion.

Er. IV M. Pattigraw, II. P. Houaa of Ounona,

3. W. 1.


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