1. Surface qualitv of a work materiałs influence on the vibrations of the cutting process / J. Lipski, G. Litak. R. Rusinek, K. Szabelski, A. Teter, J. Warmiński, K. Zaleski. - Journal ofSound and Vibrations, 2002, vol. 252, 4, s. 729-737 [czasopismo z IF[
1. Interactions between parametric and self-excited vibrations in the system with ideał and non-ideal energy source / J. Warmiński, J. M. Baltliazar. - W: USNCTAM14 Furteenth U.S. National Congress ofTheoretical and Applied Mechanics, Blacksburg, Virginia USA, [referat wygłoszony]
2. Nonlinear parametrically and self-excited vibrations in cutting process / Jerzy Warmiński. - W: EUROMECH : 4th Euromech Nonlinear Oscillations Conference, Moscow. Russia, Moscow, Institute for Problems in Mechanics Russian Academy of Sciences, 2002, s. 153
3. Regular and chaotic yibrations of van der Pol-Mathieu oscillator with non-ideal energy source / Jerzy Warmiński. - Journal ofTheoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2002, vol. 40, 2, s. 415-433
4. Surface ąuality of a work materiałs influence on the yibrations of the cutting process / J. Lipski, G. Litak, R. Rusinek, K. Szabelski, A. Teter, J. Warmiński, K. Zaleski. - Journal ofSound and Vibrations, 2002, vol. 252, 4, s. 729-737 [czasopismo z IF]
5. Synchronisation chaos and hyperchaos in a self-excited system under parametric and extemal excitation / Jerzy Warmiński. - W: Nonlinear dynamie, chaos, control, and their applications to engineering Sciences. Vol. 5, Chaos, control and time series / edit. Jose Manoel Baltliazar, Paulo Balista Gonęalves. Reynoldo M. F. L. R. F. Brasil. Ibere L. Caldas. and Felipe B. Rizatto, SSo Paulo, Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences, 2002, s. 98-117