
cAtAuna vAtA$escu

In the present short survey we wish to discuss a way of enriching the Albanian social-political and cultural vocabuIary between 1888—1912. What we mean are the borrowings of neologisms originating in Eomanian and which are to be found in the Albanian newspapers published in Romania 1 and which have not been studied as yet2.

We intend to search the matter further in a thorough andsyste-matical study which will obserye not only a list of borrowings but will also tracę all the ways of lexical modernisation in the socio-political and cultural field starting with the first half of the 19th century. It is in this way that we can follow the means by which these changes were brought about. There were the borrowings of neologisms from different languages, Eomanian included, loan translation, the semantic enrichment of old terms. We might in the end add morę as to the freąuency of one means or the other or the occurrence freąuency of a neologism. The research to follow will mainly obserye the meaning of words and the way in which the denominations of new concepts are organized.

Here are a few remarks on the integration of Eomanian loans in the system of Albanian. Wherever necessary, we would mention that some loans were integrated in the standard language and are still in use.

Mention must be madę from the very beginning that we deal with neologisms borrowed by the spoken and written Albanian of the Albanian emigrants in Romania and that these Eomanian words are in their tum borrowings from French, Italian, German etc., as part of the lezical modernisation process. As we shall prove, there are ąuite a number of old Eomanian words taken over in that period by Albanian.


As it is already well-known, aft er the defeat of the “Prizren Llgue”, that is after 1881, one of the most active Albanian National Rebirth colonles deyełoped in Romania. The activity of this colony was investigated by a series of Romanian authors (N. Iorga, Th. Capidan, N. Ciachir, G. Maksutovici etc.) and Albanians (V. Bała, R. Qosja, Ismet Dermaku etc). The Bucharest and Constanfa colonles issued a number of newspapers, some of which had a great echo in the whole Albanian movement. Out of these newspapers here .are the ones we have chosen for the present article: Sqipetari (The Albanian) (1888); Shqi-pirla (Albania) (1897—1898); Albanezul (The Albanian) (1895); Shqip(ria e Re (The New Albania) (1919—1935). We have dealt so far with the 1888—1912 period, up to 1919 that Is, after the First World War and the emergence of the Albanian State (1912).


* Eqrem ęabej’s article Is an exception in this sense: Rum&nisck-albanische Lthnbeiiehungtn In “Revue Internationale des ćtudes balkaniąues”, Belgrade, 3, 1936, p. 172 and ff. expecially pp. 175—176 (subseguently abbreviated as E. ęabej RIEB). E. ęabej slgnals these Romanian borrowings in Albanian for the first time but takes into account only a few terms without mentioning their source. His article considers as Romanian some terms for which he takes as etymon Romanian words which do not exist, e.g. alb. azhudikalt: rom. adjudicatie (p. 176). In the end ęabej propos es a comprehensWe study on the Romanian borrowings.


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