516 M. Daszykowski et al.
To suppress white (Gaussian) noise in analytical signals, different types of digital filters can be used either in time or in the freąuency domain [17,18], e.g., moving-average, Savitsky-Golay filters, etc. Recently, denoising of chromatographic signals by use of wavelets has attracted much attention, because this approach can efficiently deal with white noise in non-stationary signals [19-21]. Chromatograms are typical examples of such in-strumental signals, because they contain components of very different fre-quencies.
The wavelet transform operates on a single analytical signal, x, and it linearly transforms this signal from its original domain to the wavelet domain. Wavelets are a set of specific functions or basis vectors with orthogo-nal and local properties. For this reason wavelets have much potential to model different signal components and enable a signal to be studied at its different resolution levels. In the waveiet domain, each signal is described by a set of the so-called wavelet coefficients, c:
c = WTX (2)
where W is a matTix that contains the basis vectors in columns, and x is an analytical signal.
Processing of instrumental signals in the wavelets domain can be com-putationally very efficient when the so-calied pyramid algorithm is used. However, this algorithm can only deal with signals of length equal to an in-teger power of two [22]. Several approaches can be used to adjust signals to a desired length. The signals are then decomposed in several consecutive steps. The time domain of a signal is recursively cut into halves using a low-pass filter and a high-pass filter until only one point remains in the proc-essed signal [23]. At each decomposition level, two sets of wavelet coefficients are obtained, i.e. n/2 of the low-frequency coefficients (the so-called approximations) and n/2 of the high-frequency coefficients (the so-called details). Details obtained from the first level decomposition of a signal can support estimation of its noise level. For this purpose, two avaiiable thresh-olding policies (soft and hard) and several threshold criteria can be used. On this basis it is possible to determine and eliminate the details represent-ing signal noise [21]. After removal of these details, the signal is trans-formed back in the time domain, eventually resulting in a noise-free signal.