1. Antoni Bogucki, Zbigniew Bartoń: Discrete control for intercon-
nected power system in emergency conditions ....................... 7
2. Antoni Bogucki, Zbigniew Bartoń: Estimation of the critical clearing time for prevent automatic of power control Systems .......... 21
3. Edward Lawera, Marian Mikrut: Analysis of the propagation of ground fauld currents in unearthed ring networks from the point of view
of a protection cholce ............................................ 31
4. Paweł Sowa: The occurence conditions of lncrease of D.C. Component
of a short-circuit current due to non-simultaneous faults ......... 43
5. Paweł Sowa, Claus Haecse: Physical-hybrid simulation of tren3ient
phenomena on long-distance transmission linę ..................... 33
6. Wiesław Goc, Joachim Bargiel: Proposals of calculation of the eco-
nomical effect of invented and rationalized design of the lmprowed reallability of power supply ...................................... 39
7. Franciszek Machnik: Construction and experiaental investigations
of the properties of an electric field intensity meter wlth a power freąuency........ ................................................ 77
8. Franciszek Machnik: Analysis of properties of the electric field
Intensity standard with a power freąuency with sąuare-shaped elec-trodes ............................................................ 97
9. Iwona Korbasiewicz, Maciej Korbasiewlcz: Modification of filterlng
methods of harmonfcs for digltal differential protection of power transformens ............. 107
10. Tadeusz Kaczmarczyk: The laboratory mlcrocomputer Information consulting system .................................................... 123
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SPIS TREŚCI Str. 1. Antoni Bogucki, Zbigniew Bartoń: Sterowanie dyskretne pracą198 Nr kol. 915 ZESZYTY NAUKOWE POLITECHNIKI ŚLĄSKIEJ Seria: ELEKTRYKA z. 105 Antoni BOGUCKI, ZbigniPODRĘCZNIKI AKADEMICKIE • MECHANIKA Zdzisław Dyląg Antoni Jakubowicz Zbigniew22 A. Bogucki9 Zm Bartoń 2m Model matematyczny i metoda ocen Zakładając, że równanie opisujące procLUECHU1 YJESWIK Vol 89, No 6,1^)7 TABLE OF CONTENTS Pag* S. Kneiević: Significance and Role of thc MProfesor Antoni BOGUCKI Prorektor Politechniki Śląskiej w latach 1969-1972 Prof. Antoni Bogucki urodPODRĘCZNIKI AKADEMICKIE • MECHANIKA Zdzisław Dyląg Antoni Jakubowicz Zbigniew OrłośośćDETEKCJA SYGNAŁÓW OPTYCZNYCH Antoni Rogalski Zbigniew Bielecki 13 PWNZ Osinski PodstawyKonstrukcjiMaszyn004(5) Autorzy poszczególnych rozdziałów: Antoni Dziania — 5 Zbigfd764f37fe0986479a1d4351e5acc8ae How many independent variablcs? One Morę than one00191 a4ab5beeb4c3cfe7a2880a204d4051 10Strategies for Statistical Monitoring of Integral Control fContents I. THESIS, RESEARCHES, MATERIALS Thomas J. Froehlich THE CRITERIA FORxvii humidity in (a) or minimal temperaturę in (b). Residual minimal absolute humidity Controls forwięcej podobnych podstron