humidity in (a) or minimal temperaturę in (b). Residual minimal absolute humidity Controls for the effect of ambient temperaturę and was extracted from a polynomial regression. Coefficients of determination are presented for independent relationships, see text for complete model............................................................63
Figurę 2.4 Monthly variations in minimal temperaturę. Data are extreme Iow, mean and extreme high values per month for minimal ambient temperaturę..........................65
Figurę 3.1 Captures and recaptures of Black-capped chickadees. Each individual capture is represented by a circle. Grey circles represent individuals that were not recaptured. Circles joined by a linę represent captures and recaptures for given individuals. ...78
Figurę 3.2 Variation in body mass over the experimental period. Data are least sąuare means of body mass for control and clipped Black-capped chickadees before and after the treatment. Least sąuare means were extracted from separated LME models per group controlling for period, body size and time of capture, with bird ID as random parameter. Asterisk indicates the significant increase in body mass within the control group between periods (*** p < 0.001).....................................................85
Figurę 3.3 Variation in muscle score over the experimental period. Data are median muscle scores for control and clipped Black-capped chickadees measured before and after the treatment (as these are median values, there are no error bars).........................85
Figurę 3.4 Changes in thermogenic capacity and haematocrit in Black-capped chickadees over the experimental period. Data are least sąuare means of (A) summit metabolic ratę (Msum) and (B) haematocrit before and after the treatment. Least sąuare means were extracted from an LME model controlling for group, period and the interaction term group * period, with bird ID as random parameter. Body mass was also included in the model as a covariate for Msum..............................................86
Figurę 3.5 Relationship between Msum and haematocrit in Black-capped chickadees. Data are predicted Msum values plotted against haematocrit. Predicted values were computed from a LME model controlling for group, period, the interaction term group x period, muscle score and body mass as covariates, with bird ID as a random parameter................................................................................................87
Figurę 3.6 Relationship between Msum and pectoral muscle score in Black-capped chickadees. Msum data are least sąuare means extracted from an LME model controlling for group, period, the interaction term group * period, body mass and haematocrit as a covariates, with bird ID as random parameter. Different letters indicate significant differences (p < 0.05).............................................................88
Figurę 4.1 Seasonal variation in body composition throughout the year. Data are least sąuare mean of lean dry mass of A) liver, B) kidneys, C) intestines, D) gizzard, E) size-independent leg muscles, F) size-independent pectoralis muscles, G) supracoracoideus muscles, H) size-independent skeletal muscles, I) heart, J) lungs, K) brain and L) size-independent skin. Least sąuare means were obtained from a GLM including period, sex, period*sex as independent variables and body size as covariate. Different letters represent significant difference between periods...........................105