with the Emp. of Germany; signed 27 May 1657; Latin MS. Bawi. A. 50, f. 187.
28. Treaty of alliance between the K. of Poland and Elector of Brandenb.; Latin; 19 Sept. 1657. MS. Bawi. A. 53 f. 307.
29. Ratification of the same by the K. of Poland; 6 Nov. MS. Bani. A. 55, f. 219.
30. [Jan Kazimierz]. Declaration to the subjects of the King of England engaged in the scrvice of Swcden 20 Oet. 1657 (transl.). MS. Bawi. A. 55, /. 114.
31. Letter from Alexis, Czar of Russia, to the K. of Poland; Apr. 1658; Latin. MS. Bawi. A. 58, f. 333.
32. Pi no c ci u s') Hieronymus, ambassador from the K. of Poland to the United Provinces. Memoriał to the States Gen. on the objects of his mission; Latin; 21 Aug. 1658. MS. Bawi. A. (JO, /. 357.
33. Tenże, toż: transl.; it. [w tymże samym rkpsie] 379.
34. Tenże: Memoriał to the same against the Swedes; 3 Sept. (transl.), MS. Bawi. A. GO, f. 462.
35. Tenże: Another to the same; 14 Sept. (transl.). MS. Bawi. A. 61, /. 38.
36. Tenże: Another to the same; 16 Oct. (transl.). MS. Ban i. A. 61, f. 315.
37. Order of the Prot[ector] and Council of England for recommending the cause of the Protestants in Poland to the K. of Sweden; 22 March, 1658/9. MS. Bawi. A. 63, f. 277
38. Letter from the ministers of the K. of Sweden to the K. of Poland; 24 Sept. 1659; Latin. MS. Bawi. A. 65, fol. 609.
39. Letter from the ministers of the Reformed Churcli in Samogitia to the English bishops; 1663; Latin. MS. Bawi. C. 984 f. 3.
40. Johannes C a s i m i r u s 11, Rex Poloniae: Oratio quuni sese regno abdicaret; 16 Dec., 1667. MS. Bawi. A. 477, f. 154.
’) Ob. „Bibl. II. T.“ Finkla.