Figurę 5.3 Diagram representing both the apparent survival (<D) and the encounter probabilities (p) among years. Apparent survival was constant while encounter probabilities decreased between the end of a winter and the beginning of the next one.
With the covariates included in the model <I>(.)P(t), among year return ratę was best explained by a model including residuals of Msum and size-independent body mass (^(Ms+mMsumjPo), table 5.5). However, the effects of residual Msum and M, alone or combined were not significant (<D(.)P(«) vj. <D(re,Mium)P(t): X2 = 2.7, p = 0.1; <D(.)p(,) vs. <D(m,)P(.): X2 = 2.8, p = 0.1; <D(.)P(t) vs. <I>(M»*t««M»um)P(o: X2 = 5.8, p = 0.06). Among year return ratę was not dependent on Het (<D(.)p(,) vj. <l>(Hc»)P(t): X2 = 0.0, p = 1.0) or on residuals of BMR (<D(.)P(t) vs. ^(bmrjPco- X2 = 0.2, p = 0.6). Analyses with raw BMR and raw Msum gave the same results (not shown). Therefore, long-term survival was not dependent on any of the measured physiological parameter.
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