Figurę 4.2 Seasonal variation in body mass and lean dry body mass throughout the year. Data are least sąuare mean obtained from a GLM including period, sex, relative time of capture and period*sex as independent variables as well as body size as covariate. DifFerent letters represent significant difference between periods...........................107

Figurę 4.3 Metabolic variations throughout the year. Least sąuare mean of A) BMR and B) Msum werc obtained from a GLM including period, sex and period*sex as independent variables. Different letters represent significant difference between periods. LDM : lean dry mass..............................................................................109

Figurę 4.4 Seasonal variation in organ groups throughout the year. Least sąuare mean of A) size-independent digestive organ, B) cardiopulmonary organ, C) size-independent muscle, D) brain and E) size-independent skin lean dry masses as well as of F) fat and G) size-independent water content. Least sąuare means were obtained from a GLM including period, sex, period*sex as independent variables (and size as covariate for digestive organs, muscles, skin and water content). Different letters represent significant difference between periods..................................................................................111

Figurę 4.5 Contribution of body components to metabolic performance throughout the year. Bars represent the r2 adjusted from the best model explaining size-independent BMR or whole Msum for each period (see methods). Organs contributing to the models are given in bars. Organs between () were retained in the models but were not significant. Summer is not represented sińce BMR and Msum were not found to relate to body components during this period.............................................................................113

Figurę 5.1 Diagram representing both the apparent survival (O) and the encounter probabilities (p) within winter. Apparent survival and encounter probability are constant...........133

Figurę 5.2 Relationship between winter apparent survival and a) winter unconected Msum, with survival controlled for the effect of hasmatocrit and b) winter raw Msum, with survival controlled for the effect of BMR (see text for details)............................136

Figurę 5.3 Diagram representing both the apparent survival (<I>) and the encounter probabilities (p) among years. Apparent survival was constant while encounter probabilities decreased between the end of a winter and the beginning of the next one.....................................................................................................................138

Figurę C.l Condition, ąualite et valeur selective. L’ensemble des param&tres physiologiąues determine la condition physiologiąue mais seuls certains de ces paramćtres caractćrisent la ąualitd individuelle dont depend la valeur sćlective....................174


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