052 Agar, Herbert. "Proust and the Modern Dilemma," The Bookman,
BK LXXVI (January 1933), 24-28. First printed in The English
Review (1932).
052 *Agar, Herbert. "Proust and the Modern Dilemma," English Review,
ENG LV (October 1932), 372-379. Also in The Bookman (1§33) .
845P94 #Alberti, Frank Sidney. "Les Deux 'Courrieres' de balbec visitees,"
DS67 BMP, N° 23 (1973), 1574-1586.
840.5 *Alden, Douglas W. "Jacąues de Lacretelle For and Against Proust,"
RO Romanie Reyiew, XLI, No. 2 (April 1950), 108-124.
051 Aldington, Richard. "Approach to Marcel Proust," The Dial,
D LXIX (October 1920), 341-346. Also in The English Review~Tl920),
and in his Literary Studies and Ręyiews (1924)7
052 Aldington, Richard. "Approach to Marcel Proust," English Review,
ENG XXX (June 1920), 488-493. Also in The Dial (1920), and in“his
Literary Studies and Ręyiews (1924).
845P94 #Bales, Richard. "Proust et Emile MSle," BMP, N° 24 (1974), 1925-
DS67 1936.
845P94 #Barnes, Annie. "A propos dłun paragraphe du Temps retrouvd:
DS67 Proust et le tragigue," BMP, N° 23 (1973), 1609-1613.
051 *Bartlett, Phyllis. "Annette and Albertine: A Comparison of
SE Wordsworth and Proust," Sewanee Review, XLV, No. 1 (January-
March 1937), 12-23.
335.05 *Barzun, Jacąues. "Food for the N. R. F. or 'My Godl What will
PAR you have?'" Partisan Reyiew, XX (November-December 1953), 660-
674 .
051 *Bettman, Dane. "Marcel Proust Explains Himself," Sewanee
SE Reyiew, XL (April-June 1932), 229-240.
051 Birrell, Francis. "Marcel Proust: The Prophet of Despair,"
D The Dial, LXXIV (May 1923), 463-474. Also in Marcel Proust:
An English Tribute (1923) .
052 *Bishop, Morchard. "The Method and Vision of William Gerhardi,"
NI Nineteenth Century and After, CXLV, No. 868 (June 1949), 384-
845P94 #Boks-Schoute, Mathilde. "Bibliographie nĆerlandaise," BMP,
DS67 NO 24 (1974), 1901-1904.
845P94 #Bonnet, Henri. "Rdponse a Willy Hachez," BMP, NO 23 (1973),
DS67 1705-1720.
845P94 #Bonnet, Henri. "Les Souvenirs de Cdleste," BMP, N° 24 (1974),
DS67 1827-1838.
845P94 #Br£hant, Jacąues. "Une Idylle dans le jardin d'Auteuil," BMP,
DS67 N° 24 (1974), 1807-1816.
052 Brogan, D. W. "Time's Labour Lost," The Spectator, CLXVI
SP (June 13, 1941) 634. Also in his French Personalities and
Problems (1947).
805 Brogan, D. W. "The World of Marcel Proust: Picture of a Regime
TI in Decline, An Aristocracy Cut Off From Power," Times Literary
Supplement, October 18, 1941, 518 and 522. Also in his French Personalities and Problems (1947).