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051 1Luppd, Count A. de. "Snobs and Proust," Living Age, CCCXXXIV,
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845P94 #Mackenzie, Susan. "La Pluie d'or," BMP, N° 24 (1974), 1905-1907.
056 1Maia, Jo3o. "No cinąuentendrio de Du cotd de chez Swann," Brotdria,
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809.05 1Marantz, Enid G. "The Proust Centenary: An Accounting (Review
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805 1Massis, Henri. "Proust: The Twenty Years' Silence" (extract
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905 1Maurois, Andre. "L'Histoire de A la recherche du temps perdu de
HIT Proust," Historia, N° 239 (octobreT966) , 132-142.
705 1Meyers, Jeffrey. "Proust's Aesthetic Analogies: Character and
JOU Painting in Swann's Way," Journal of Aesthetics and Art
Criticism, XXX, No. 3(Spring 1972), 377-588.
845P94 #Michaud, Guy. "La Personnalitć de Marcel Proust," "The Personality
DM34 of Marcel Proust" [In French and in English translation by Peter
Fine). In In Search of Marcel Proust, 1871-1971 (1973), 78-115.
051 1Morand, Paul. "Paris Letter," The Dial, LXXXV (December 1928),
D 507-512.
Morę, Paul Elmer. "Proust: The Two Ways," The American Review,
I (April 1933), 50-75. Also in his Or^ Being Humań (1936).
#Mouligneau, Michel. "Proust et Colette," BMP, N° 23 (1973), 1683-1685.
*Murray, J. "Marcel Proust," Modern Language Review, XXI, No. 1 (January 1926) , 34-43.
*Murry, John Middleton. "The Break-up of the Novel," Yale Ręyiew, XII, No. 2 (January 1923), 288-304.
Murry, John Middleton. "Proust and the Modern Consciousness," Times Literary Supplement, January 4, 1923. Also in Marcel Proust: An English Tribute (1923).
*Nelson, Jeanne. "Le [sic] Ddsintćgration de la rdalitd chez Proust et Sarraute," Tropos (Mich. State Univ.), III, No. 1 (Spring-Fall 1973), 22-30.
*01Brien, Justin. "Henry Harland, An American Forerunner of Proust," Modern Language Notes, LIV, No. 6 (June 1939), 420-428.
Pasco, Allan H. "Blue and the Ideał of A la recherche du temps perdu/1 Romanische Forschungen, 85. Band, HeTt 1/2 (1973T7 119-138.