382 Andrzej Witkowski
Hax TeonorasecKoro SHcnnyra 3Ha>ntM0CTb nonyaemoro sepHOBoro Maiepnajia orpoMHa H ero bo MHorBx cjiynajDc HeB03Moamo aaMeaHTb flpynTMH BcnoMoraTejibHUMH HccnefloBaTejitcKHMH MCTOflaMH. O&łcm oidopa KepHa b dypsnpraca b HacToamee BpeMs CKBaxKHax reojiorOTecroro KHCTHryTa Kone6neic« ot 15% flo 25%.
IIpH aHairase npoxoflK0 ray6oKHX SypoBtre cmaanm, odpameHO BHHMame Ha 3BaBHTeicbHbie pe3epHH npoflyKumł, CBJnaHHbie c HCKjnoBeEffleM npocroeB, npoHcxoAamHX dnarogapa asapEHM H HHCTpyMeHTanKH (tsó. 1), a xaK»e Ha SKOHOMtraeciafe butoułi, KOTopwe 6naroflapa sroMy nojiyaajoT reojionraecKHe npeflapKarra. IIOHHepKHBaeTca yjiyameBHe aoopflHHaHHH paSoT, BBeflemfe hobhx mctohob (ocodemo HcmaTaTejień nnacTOB) no3BOJisioiip« coKpanm. BpeMs HcnuTanKa nocne OKOHnaHHa Sypearm crBaiKKmj.
Jlymnae pe3ym,TaTH b o6nacrH 6ypeHHa ray6oKBx CKBaacHH b pecopre U.r.y. nojiyneHM BapmaBCKHM reononttecrHM npeflnpaaraeM, roTopoe b hwhc 1972 r. aazoirauio dypemre caMoft rnyóoKott Ha riojacKofi hh3mchhocth cKBancnmi KocTeaBna rny6HHofl 5202 M.
3to npeflnpHHTHe mHpoKO npHMeHflno reononnecKoe na6opaTopHoe oScnyaafBaHHe raydonOc CKBaacHH cTanHOHapHHMH naSopaiopHaMB, a Taioce nepe^BiDKHtiMH naóopaTopHaMH runa ,,Geoservices”, o6opynoBaHHWMK (J>paHny3CK>fl HccnenoBaTenbCKofi annaparypofi. Teonormecroe o6cny*SBaHBe cKBaaam npoH3BOflHTca reonoraMH reonormecKoro fl03opa b 6om.mnHCTBe taiynaeB hmH hbjduotcji coTpygHHKH reonoranecjcffit npeflnpHaraa B reonora reojionreecKoro Hafl3opa reonorenecKoro HHCTHTyra.
The articłe presants setne ramarks reiated to the deep borę holes madę by vartous geologkał entenpnises otf the Central Office of Geology for the Geologioal Institute. Ab a basis for clearing of accounts between the kwestor and 'the conibractars serve prdoe-lists for deep drilłtogs CWG 3/72.
Based on the critkal analysis of the indiyiduel sectdons of a price-list the author calis ki cjoiestian the lagitaraacy of the clearing of accounts witłi iregard to the interwal 3000—3200 m tor driUimgs to a depth of 3200 m aocording to the prices oorresponding to the interwal of 4500 m, and he postulates for the dłsttoct dependence of the prices of the indiwidual sedtions upon the type of drilling trig used. Thia postutete paritaculiarly ooncems drUliings to a depth 3200—3500 m, where the dif-ferentdation af the <prices of assesnhly and disassembly of the same drilling rlg — calculated Sn the category to 4500 m, insbead in a tower category appropriate to a glvm type of tóg -— amounts to atauost 2 mUBon zlotys.
The differentiation of proces of 1 m of drilling depends matoły upon the so-called category of rock and upon the modę of drilling — using a Ut or a core drilL The categotóes of noctes presented to the price-Hst dŁfferentiate prices aocording to the fawimdual depth intervałs — from 614 to 127.500 zlotys. Thds causes tintotenrupbed discussion between 1he drilling service of the executor and thait of the investor. On the basis of many years’ experiences One can say that the distinguaahed categories