Recłpfocating machinery. for so long the stepchlld of sophbticated analysis. i$ dlscussed; anatyzer photographs show plots of typica! problems. Invalu* able gułdance ranges from symptoms of typical problems to methods to assure accurate, representa-tłve meesurements and operating limits; all Information b based on the extenslve experłence of the authors.

Toplcs on lubrlcatlon. another often-lgnored area, include lubrlcatlon failure. purificatlon, conditloning, and analysb and are dlscussed from a practlcal view-polnt. Mechanlcal seals are another area In whlch detalled failure analysb can pay handsome dh/idends. Here agaln the authors have drawn on their extensłve experience and provlded invaluable guidance with both words and photographs.

The lllustrations are lnvaluable and contrlbute Immea-surably to the readabillty of thb outstanding book. It bn't possible to list all of the subjects covered. Sufflce It to say that, if you are engaged In machinery analysb. malntenance. or troubleshooting. this book should deflnitely be on your bookshelf during the few moments It lsn't in use on your desk.

J.S. Mitchell Palomar Technology International

P O. Box 1966 Carlsbad. Callfomia 92008


K.H. Huebnerand E.A. Thornton John Wlley & Sons. New York, NY Second Edltlon, 1982, 623 pages

Seven years have eiapsed sińce thb book was flrst published. The most notable additłons are problems aft er each chapter and a new chapter on heet transfer. The book is easy to read and comprehend.

The book contains 11 chapters and fłve appendices. A number of chapters are ełther the same or only slightty revised from the first edition.

physically Interprets FEM; springs. slmpłe ełements of structural mechanlcs. and assembly of the parts that make up the matrlx and FE are described. Chapter 3 reports on the mathematical approach using varla-tional interpolation. including the Ritz approach. Interpolatlon functlons, piecewbe approxlmatlon. and examples of FE. Chapter 4 describes a general-Ized mathematical approach, including the Galerkln method for a one-dimensional Połsson equation. tłme-dependent heat conductlon, two-dimensional heat conductlon, and derłvation of FE equatlons from energy bała nces.

Chapter 5 covers ełements and interpolatlon func-tions such as basie element shapes, types of nodes, generał and natural coordinates 0,2. and 3 dimen-slons). LaGrange and Hermitlan polynomlals, C° and C1 problems, and an expanded section of curved Isoparametric ełements (coordinate transformation and evaluation of element matrices.

Chapter 6 deals with eiasticity problems, including a generał formulatłon for two-dimensional problems. a variational principia, a dłsplacement interpolation function. element stlffness equatlons, piane stress and strain, axbymmetric stress analysb, piąte bending problems. three^dimensional problems (linear and tetrahedral). and higher order ełements. The structural dynamics section b an expanded versłon of the flrst edition and contains Information about free and undamped vibratlons, transłent motion vla modę superposltion, and use of the Newmark method. No mention b madę of Wilson 0 method or Houbolt method, both of which have been successfully applied in transłent analysb of structural dynamie problems.

Chapter 7 consłders generał field problems concerned with equilibrium, eigenvalue problems (Helmholz equation. variational prlnciples), and propagation probiems. In the concluding section previously described procedur es are used to solve discretized time-dependent equations. Transient response via modę superposltion and recurrence relations are dlscussed. as are oscillations and stability of transient response and the use of such methods as baekward difference, Galerkin, Crank-Nlcolson. and Euler forward difference. An interestlng plot shows their relative value in stability calcuations.

Chapter 1 introduces the flnite element method    Chapter 8 is concerned with lubrlcatlon expressed

(FEM), its history. and applications. Chapter 2    as finite ełements. In Chapter 9 the FE is applied to



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