Microvascular Dysfunction in Cardiac Diseases Supposed to Globally Affect the Left Yentricle (Idiopatic Dilated Cardiomyopathy and Aortic Valve Stenosis)

V. Kupriyanov (National Research Council Canada) - „Near-Infrared and Thermal Imaging of Cardiac Ischemia

G.    Tian (National Research Council Canada) - „From Myocardial Protection to Repair. Study of Cardiop/egia, Myocardial Infarction, and Celi Therapy using Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy

J.C. Sharp (National Research Council Canada) - „ There's P/enty ofRoom at the Bottom: Low Field, Low Cost Magnetic Resonance

M. Gruwel i M. Tanasiewicz (National Research Council Canada) - „MRIofTeeth”;

Z. Starcuk (Ustav Pristrojove Techniky, Czeska Republika) - „Contemporary MR Spectroscopic Imaging”',

F.    Hennel (Bruker Medical, Niemcy) - „Measurement and Prediction of k-Space Trajectories for Fast MRI";

S. King (Institute for Biodiagnostic NRC Winnipeg, Kanada) - „Phase Array Coils for Fast MRI”',

A. Obenaus (Loma Linda University, USA) - „Imaging of Brain Tumors in Animal Models: Present and Futurę

P. Kozłowski (University of British Columbia, Kanada) - „MR in Prostatę Cancer Research R. Somoijai (National Research Council Canada) - “ The Display and Analysis of High-Dimensional Biomedical Data

M. Jackson (National Research Council Canada) - „Molecular Imaging in Cancer Research”;

P. Stroman (Queen’s University, Kanada) - „Is There a Changę in Waler Proton Density Associated with Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging?

H.    Molier (Max Planck Institute for Humań Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Niemcy) -„A/ternatives to ConventionalBOLD fMRl”;

G. M. Ratto (Instituto Neuroscienze CNR Area di Pisa, Włochy) - „Wonders of a Wandering Protein: Imaging of Protein Function

A.    MacKay (University of British Columbia, Kanada) - „In Brain, T2 Relaxation isMore Than a Time

J. Dunn (University of Calgary, Kanada) - „Imaging Blood Volume as a Marker of Cerebral Angiogenesis using MRI and Light

U.I. Tuor (National Research Council Canada) - „Molecular MR Imaging of Cerebral -Yascular Disease

G. Stanisz (University of Toronto/ Sunnybrook Health Science Centre, Kanada) - „MRI Monitoring of Stern Cel! Therapies in CNS”.

Zakład XIV

W dniach 20-23 listopada 2005 r. zorganizowano w Krakowie Międzynarodowe Warsztaty Robocze: „5th Cracow Grid Workshop” we współpracy z ACK Cyfr one t AGH oraz Instytutem Informatyki AGH.

Spotkanie zgromadziło ok. 150 uczestników w tym ok. 60 zagranicznych i 40 studentów. Wygłoszono 50 referatów (w tym 7 proszonych). Zorganizowano 2 szkolenia.

Tytuły referatów zagranicznych:

F. Gagliardi (CERN IT Department, Genewa, Szwajcaria) - „International Computing e-lnfrastructures. Past, Present and Futurę...

B.    Hertzberger (Department of Computer Science University of Amsterdam, Niemcy) -„e-Science and Grid - The Yirtual Lab for e-Science Approach”;


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