

Deod. He wos deod. How the heli wos she supposed to do CPR on a man with two hearts?

There's o rip in fhe fobric of spocÄ™ ond time. Possenger ships ore disoppearing from the interstellor troffic lones. In on ottempf to find out who's behind the disoppeoronces, the Doctor ond Ace allow themselves to be coptured. But when Bernice's rescue ottempl goes terribly wrong, the time trovellers find themselves scottered fhroughout history.

Ace, stronded in Ancient Egypt, struggles to survive in on environmenf os olien os o distont plonet: the Eorth 3,000 yeors before she wos bom. She monoges to find employment as o noblemon's bodyguord. And then she comes foce to foce with the metol horrors which hove pursued her through time - the creotures she sow kili the Oocfoi.

Full-lengfh, originol novels bosed on the longest-running science fiction television seiies of oll time, the BBC's Ooctor Who. The New Adventures fokÄ™ the TARDIS into previously unexplored reolms of spocÄ™ ond time.

Kote Orman reckons it's obout time she wasn't the only womon ond the only Antipodeon writing for the New Adventures. Her first book in the series, The Left-Honded Hummingbird. is consistently voted one of the most populor by fons.

ISBN 0-626-20436-0

UK: £4.99 USA: S5.95 •AUSTRALIA: $9.95


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