the NRD 515 receiver, a joy to own


If I am absolutely honest. I am not certain whether I own a NRD515 because of its unbelievable performance as a generał coverage receiver or just for the sheer pleasure of having and constantly admiring probably the finest piece of equipment available today.

Perhaps it comes down to the same thing, certainly the other NRD owners I have spoken to have all expressed the same feelings, that the NRD515is a receiver in a classof its own.

As a person not owning the receiver, you may ask what sets this particular one above all the others. This is difficult to define - the feel of the equipment when wandermg over the crowded band, its signal handlmg capability and selectivity can only really be appreciated by use. Technically. the equipment is above reproach. JRC's manufacture and production control methods as applied to other items in the rangę are equally applied to their amateur products. The Other items referred to. onlv


a smali part of the vast rangę, are marinę radio equipment, Marisat mobiłe terminal. Omega navigators. Doppler sonar, echo sounder/fish finders. communication satellite earth stations and a complete rangę of avionic beacons, radar and associated products. Indeed. a wide rangę application of electronic and radio technology for land. sea and air.

You may be forgiven for associatmg such advanced technology with complexity of operation, a piece of equipment that needs an operator with an electronics degrde. However, this assumption is incorrect. The NRD515 is easy to use with the minimum of Controls to ensure the operator really enjoys his Kstening time Digital readouts. MHz, modę and filter bandwidth switchestogether with a VFO knob that will tune the band continuously without using any other control. from 100kHz to 30 MHz or vice versa. To assist with difficult band conditions the NRD515 has pass band tuning and the medium wave broadcast section to 600 kHz to i.6 MHz has a preselector control to cope with crowded conditions.

To give real "armchair copy” JRC have mtroduced the NCM515 remote control keypad As its name suggests the NCM515 enabies frequencies to be quickly keyed into the receiver. Four memories are provided. two rates of frequency stepping in mcrementsof either tOOHzor 10MHz and fmally the ability to add to or subtract from the operatmg frequency by any frequency step. Add the opnonal 600 Hz CW filter and the 96 channel memory unit and. as the other NRD owners would say. "a joy to own".

NRD515 monitoring rec6rv*r. . ... £985 inc VAT

NOH51596channelmemory unrt ........£198 00*ic vat

NCM515f*mote frequencv controUer.....£126 OOmc vat.

NVA616 speaker.......................£34 50 inc. vat

CFL260500Hz cw filtr................ C39.l0inc.vtt

CFL230 300Hz cw f.her..................£64 00inc. vai

ST3 Kaadphonas......................£42.55 inc. vat.


Chesterfield Road, Matlock.Derbyshire. DE4 5LE. Telephone 0629 2817,2430,4057,4995. Telex 377482.


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