Face Layout
Dńide the hcait-iluped face in •d<;& aeiiieully. If you opted to tilt thc kr»J.aa£5e the linca totnatch.Set the <w »their ituide cornefi touch che Ihet youVe dtaun. fUccoon c*t» vaty '.fliiiedependmgon thc *gcof tltc ani-euL Herc, lJ>e eatł eitcttd a liltle cvcr i' iwa the top of che łiead. The tocal tójfc* ofccc car ihould be about ecjual to thc ditcance bctwecn thc t«\> earj.
Sm, ttseet che hcad hceltonwlty. Tik rxcoon’ł eyc> will be ecr.tercd o«\ iepotect uhere thu hotitcctul licie trcojcj the two ve»tlcal littci. Space lk *ye» ihghtly les» than me cyc
włdthi apatt. Add Rór^ci to thc itt-«ide edge of each eyc to Kjgtcit te— tJueu-
Dtw anothcf hoełtontal guideline halfway bewecn the mkiline and thc bottcen of the face. This point repcc-tentł the top edge of thc initnjl-* mnisie. The outiśde petimeten of the mu:-:le eitclc >:c defined by thc two vettical hn« you madę catliei. Draw a citdc to cteate the tnu::!c.
In thc eciitet of thc tnutjlc łŁetch an o va! nooc ihape. The taccoon'* nosc ihould be ilightly beger than one of hit eyo.
Ifou' to Point o Kucroon
That completti thc layout pcoccu. Now you atc teady to pjśnt.