766.    .The cetemony of the transfer of pwef. hcld at 4.45 p.m. on 15 Scpcember 1952 ac Governmenc Ho jve, thus took place in an atraospherc of con/idence.

767.    After the ńgniftg of the Termin a non of Powera Prociami tion by the Chief Administrator, coptcs were presented to the Empcror’* representatwes, to the Chief Łcccuwe of the Govemmcnr of Eritrea and to the United Kations Commissioncr.

768.    After this cc re mony, the Chief Administrator thanked all those wńo had astisced Kim in his w ark, and espcciiily the United Nidom Commisitoner. He also offered his best wishes to the successors of the Bricish Administration in Eritrea.

769.    The foUowing is the tcxt of the Procia maciom 61/


Wherfjs by a resoludon of the General Assembly of-che United Nadons dated 2 Decem ber, 1950, Eritrea shaU coiutimte an aotonoroous unit fedc/accd with Ethiopia under the sovereignry of the Ethiopian Crown as thcrcin prońded:

And wkfTiAi it is proWded by the Eńtrean (Termi-nauon of Administration) Order, 1952, chat the Aothońry of Her Majesry in Eritrea shaU determine as it om soch datę as shaU for the purpose of enabling the Federal Aa and the Coasckucion of Eritrea to enter into effea be prociatmed theretn by the Chief Administrator.

And udiaen by the said rcsoJudon of 2 Dcccmber, 1950, it is provi<kd that the juńsdicdon of the Federal Govcmmenc in Eritrea shaU exicnd to cer-tain matters and that the juńsdiction of Eńtrean Coremmenc shaU extend to all other maners:

And urhercAs by che said rcsolution of 2 Dcccmber, 1950, it is prorided that the Administenng Power shaU make arruigemenis for the transfer of power to the appropriatc author idea:

And libtrtas by a resoludon of the United Nadons dated 29 Jamiary, 1952, it is provided that Erirrca (which term for the purposes of the resoludon is said to be interpieted in conformity with paragraph 3 of the said resoludon of 2 Dcccmber, 1950), shaU reccivc without paymcot certa in movabtc and im-moYibk pcopeny located in Eriuca owned by the lulian Sute ckher in ki own na me or in the name of the Icalian Administradon in Eritrea and that such pcopcity shaU be rransferred to Eritrea not Iater than the cffcctivc datę ot the finai transfei of power from the Administering Power to the appropriatc Authonries:

No w thrrefore, I, Duncan Cameron CUMMING, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Commander of Most ExccUent Order of the British Empire, Chief Administrator of Eritrea, heteby proclaim as follows:

1.    To the intern that Eritrea shall become an - autonomous unit tn the manner provkfed in the

Resoludon of the United Nanons dated 2 Decem ber, 1950, and in order that the Federal Aa ind the Consdturion of Enuea shall enter into eftect the authority oi Her Msjesty in Eritrea shaU determioe.

2.    The powers and furisdktion of the Ad minii ter-iog Power arc hereby cransferred to the Federal

Govcmmem and the Eńtrean Govcxnmcnt.


3.    The propeny set out in the First Schedule hereto is hereby transferred to the Federal Govemment and the property set out in the Second Schedule hereto is hereby transferred to the Eńtrean Góvcnmcitt.

4.    This Prodamation may be cited as the Tcrmina-cion of Powers Prodamation, 1952, and sball coc* into force at midnight on 15/16 Scpcember, 1951

770.    Thinks to the spśrit of collaboration shown by the interested pa nieś dii cały responsible, the Com-missioocr was thus able not only to tike cognizar.ee of the transfer of power buc also, through the informatioo with whkh hc had been sponuneously provided, to tesufy to the faithhi] applicarioo, both of the spieść and of the letter of the resoludon.

771.    In concluduig this chapcer, mencion must be madę of the telegram sem by the Seactary-Genera] of the United Nadom to the Commissioncr on the occaslon ot the transfer of power, which reads as follows:

"Pleasc eapress to representatives of United King-dom as Administering Power and to appropriatc Federal and Eńtrean Author kies my detp gratifka-cioo on occasion transfer of power in Eritrea in compliance dęciu on* of General Aucmbly wjthin spcdfkd ńmc bsuts stop This historie step Kas been madę pouible by the eo-operation and high sense of rcspomibiliry of aU the partics concerned working with the United Nadons cowards a common objrc* tire stop Ptease eaacod my congratJations to the

•1/ At rtgirt* 0u ptani dra*t» u? lor twuirr 4rali wi* k tKr moUM. ic« ihc    Auhoc.ry*i Rcpon fJcrtmr*




Eritrean pcople on this achkrcw&t w Kich your own devo:cd seroec in Er tcrca has so greatly concributed co bring aboi* tiop


.    Słcrttary-Gentro!"

772. The Commissioncr eoznmunicatcd ihc eon-tenis of this mcuage to the Chief Administrator, to the Empcror*s Represcniatbe, and to the Chief Łcccutive of tfce Government of Eritrea.



773. Wkh the completion of the transfer of power, the Commissioncr, aaing under paragraph 15 of the rcsolution, submits to the General Assembly the text of the Eritrean Constkution. The document as approved by the Commissioncr, adopred by the Erirrean Assembly and rarified by the Empcror of Ethiopia, coasticutes annex U of the present report.


774.    With the rarifkationof the Federal Aa by the Empcror orf Ethiopia on. 11 September 1952, and the promulgarion of che Tenniniticn of Powers Prodama* tion by the Administering Power on 15 September 1952, the General Asscmbły*s rcsolution of 2 Decembcr 1950 was pot into effeer «nd the task er.trusted to the Commb-Słona compleicd.

775.    The foundaboasof the Fcdcrationof Ethiopia and of the autonemous unit of Eritrea hase thus been •aii So far as Eritrea b concemed, the Consritution approved by the Commissior.er, adopted by the Assembly and ratified by tbc Empcror, comptetes the stiucture. That Consrirution, together with the organie law* passed by the Eritrean Assembly, faithfully reflecu not only the Ictirr, but also the spirit of the rcsolution; so far as any document can. it givcs Eritrea a fair and ptombing start la i is ejdstence as an autooomous unit within the Federa-tion. Much morę chan a mere doounenc will be rcquired, bowocr.toemurelifc andcotuinuicy for theinstkudons thus created. The Fcdcration and Eritrea will have to leam to Kve side by side, each respectinfi the proper sphere of activity and jurisdiciion of the other. As the first Panel of Legał Consultants pointed out, *thc regune preseribed in the General Assembly** rcsolution ... can only operate utisfaciorily if Ethiopia accepts it freely and without any w*xpecsscd reserva«ion, and inccnds to ipply it in good faith*.

77$. My eonversations with Kb Majesty the Em-perer of Ethiopia havc convinccd me that soch good faith cxi*ts and that k is the Empcror*sincerc desire that the Federal Aa should be tmplememcd in accordance wkh boch the lener and spirit of the rcsolution.

777. On the Eritrean side, the discussions 1 hetd with the pcople U om the outset, and the spirit in whkh the Eritrean Representaciye Assembly adopted the Con-sritution have conrinccd me that chcre is a gemjine rcadi-ness for fuli co-opcration with the federal authoritics and a real respert for the unity of the Federation under the sovercigntv of the Empcror.

. 778. The procedurę lor sertrng up the neccssary organ* of the Federal Governmmc is bid down in the resolution, cxcept for the ir.earn whereby, i/ mediation fails, eonflicts of jurisdiction can be sausfactorily senfrd by a tribunal whose impanuliry is manifest in ks pro-cecdings and composkion. For this purposc, a joint aa by the two legblaturcs will be rcquircd; it is to be hoped that, with the good will of both panics, thb finał guaran-tee of faithfui irapJcmcmacion of the rcsolution will soon be prorided. u

11. Conftitution of Eritrea



Irt the njtnr o/A/mrgbfy God.

Trusting that He may grant Eritrea peace, concord ind prosperity.

And that the Federaóon of Eritrea and Ethiopia may be łurmonious and fruitfuJ,

We, thę Eiitrm Aumbly, acting on behalf of the Eritrean pcople,

Grauful to the United Nations for rccommcncŁng that Eritrea shall constitute an autooomous unit feder-ated with Ethiopia under the sovcrcignry of the Eihiopun Crown and that icj Ccrudruuon be based on the prind-pies of dcmocratic govcinmcnt,

Dciirous of satiifying the wbhes and ensuring the welfare of the inhabitar.es of Eritrea by cioto and ccooomic jssociidon with Ethiopia and by ropeaing the rightj and safegujrding the imtmjtions, tradicions, religions and Janguages of all the ciem en ts of the poptibrion.

Rrsoit+d to prevent any discriminadon and to cn-surc, under a regimc of freedom and e^uality, the kroth-crly collaboration of the variouj races and religions in Eritrea, and to prom ot c cconcmic and social progresi,

Trusring fully in God, the Master of the Uhbcrse.

Do hereby adopc thb Conscirution as the Cowtku-rion of Eritrea.

Documcnc 9 J3J


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