Attachment No. 1

Contract Regarding the Transfer of Copyright of Projects Submitted to the Competition

Concluded on............

_in Wrocław,

(hereinafter known as „Contract”),


1.    HP Global Business Center Sp. z o.o. HP Global Business Center Sp. z o.o., Tax ID No. (NIP):

101-000-07-81, registered at ul. Świdnicka 40, Wrocław, under KRS No. 0000225514 in the National Court Register, as maintained by the District Court of Wrocław-Fabryczna IV Commercial Division; the amount of share Capital is 50    000,00 PLN; represented by

_- Chairman ofthe Board - hereinafter known as „HP GBC”


2.    Mr./Ms..............................................Iiving in..........................................at

............................. hereinafter, in this content of this contract, known as „Executor”.

The following content:


The subject of this contract regards copyright ofthe project submitted to the competition, known

hereinafter as „Work", done by the Executor as part ofthe competition called_,

organized from_to_by HP GBC, the regulations of which are found in the

contract which this Attachment No. 1 supplements.


1.    The Executor affirms that:

2.    Work is original and produced by him/her alone.

3.    His/her copyright and morał rights to the Work are in no way limited or encumbered with the rights of third parties.

4.    He/she has not given any person license to use the Work ;

5.    He/she has the exclusive right to authorize the handling and use ofthe Work

6. The rights and permission described in § 3 of this contract include all rights and authorizations essential for utilization ofthe Work.


1.    On the basis of this contract, the Executor transfers all copyright of the Work to HP GBC, without remuneration, for the following uses:

2.    Preservation and reproduction of the work using the following specific techniques: printing, reprographics, magnetic tape and digitization

3.    The placement on the market (including for sale), loan, or rental ofthe original or copies

4.    The dissemination of the Work in other ways, by public exhibition, display or re-enactment, as well as public sharing of the work, in such a way that individuals may access it in a time and place individually chosen;

6. Performance ofthe Work, duplicated in any technique, including through drawings or photographs as illustrations or as design elements for advertising, flyers, etc., which HP GBC may prepare in the course of their business.


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