NkmK-r States* the prinopk* gmerning United Nations mvoU ctTKnc in ihc referendum: and thf co mir. ii men: of the approprut.* authoricics to emure s «rc* an J demo-etacie referendum.
These and relatcd bsues r-eed to be ńilly addrrssed in order to agrec upon the appropriate role o/ the Ur.ircd Nations in the referendum in the context of the corre-sponding rctpontibiliiic* and obligańons that wiU bc assumed b>* your Goscmmem and the rrovi*>onil Gov-ernment of Eiiuea. A» sutej earlier, the a pp ropriate mandate authoriiiug United Nations imrolrcment in the referendum uogld be requucd from the United Nariom legislache organ concerne J.
Undcr-Secretary-Gcncfal James Jonah will bc in Ad-dit Ababa to represent mc at the ferdkoming session of the Council of Mmmm of the Organiution of African
Unity. His proence m AddU Ababa «ill prońdc ais oppommity to mcci with rcpresemanve> of )tsgr Gowrn. mcm and thme of the PrortMorul Go\*mmvnc oj rńirca :o czchanpc vicws on the optiom your Govemfnent m»gh wbh co pursue in cooperacion with the United Satioaj for the orgaoization and conduct oi the rcfercnJum. and co the corrcspondćag rctpnnttbólitict that your Gotem-mem cni.chr be espeacd to assamc.
Detailed techmcal dbcussion couU bc arrange J as a tottow-up to Mi. Jonah's meeńngs wńh rcprcscmaibet of your Gorcrnmmc and thote of the Provilional Got-emment of Eberta.
Accept, Mr. Pres idem, the assuranccs of my highoi considmńon.
iSepiłJ) Boutrot BOtmiOS-CHAU
• Not issucd as a United Nations jJocoment
1. SKort Tulc j
This proclarnauon ma>* be dted as •The Eńucan Nation-aUiy Proclamation No. 21/1992-* *
2. National u y by Binh
1.. Any person bom to a father or a mother of Eritreanońpn in Eńuca or abroad is an Eńucan natkmal by binh.
2. A person who his *Ehcfeao oripn* b any person vrbo was residem in Errttea in 1953.
3. A person bom in Eńtrea to unknown parcmi shall be considered an Eritrean natioaal by binh unul provcn ochcrwise.
4. Any person u ho b an Eńucan by on gin or by binh shaU, upon apphcanon bc ghm a cemfkare of na nona Ety by the Depattmou of Ir.: cmii Affairs.
5. Any person who b Eritrean by binh, resides abroad and possesses forcign nationality shaM apply to the Department of Imemal Affairs if hc wishes to offi-ciaUy renour.ee his forcign nationality and acquire Eritrean nationality oe wishes, after prońding adcquatc juińfkation, to ha»c his Eritrean nationality aecepied while maimaining Sb forcign narionakty.
3. Nationality by NaturaUzatioo (1934*1951)
1. Eritrean nationality is hrreby grarued to any person who is noc of Eńuean ocigin and who entered.
and resided in, Eńtrea betwetn the beginningof 1934 ani the end of 1951, prońdcd that he Kas not committcd anti-people acts during the Ubcration struggle of thł Eńuean peopk. He shall, upon appUcation, be gireo a ceru fiutc of muocufcry by the Department of Imemal Affairs, prońdcd that hc has no: rcjcccd Eńucan natioa-alicy. The prońsions of article 1C5) of this Proclamation shall apply wben such a person possesses the nationality of anocher cotmuy.
2. A person boro to a person mentioned in sub> artldc & of thb Anicie is Ertuean b{y binh. The Depan-ment of Intcmal Affairs shall, opon his ippbcańon, issuc him a ctmficaie of natiorubty.
3. The Department of imemal Affairs słuH roole the natiooakty of my person mcnńoned in sub-aitkk 1 of this Aro*cle whtre it detetmines that he had acquned Eńucan nańonahcy oe the cenificate of Eritrean naóoo-alky by fraud, dccot or conccalment of dccisivc faos.
4. NaoonaUy by Naturalnation (1952 and after)
1. Any person whoboocof Eńuean ońgśn and hit entered, and resided in, Eritrea in 1952 or after shjlł ippl>* for Eńtrein nationality to the Scerctao* of Interna! Affairs.
2. The Sccrctary of Interna) Affairs shaU gram Nationality by Naturaliaanoo «o the pc/son mcntioocd in sub-anicle 1 of thb Artkle prońdrd that the penun:
a. ha* entered Eńuca kpiły aod hu hecn dom:-olrd «n Enttca for a period of uti (10) )tm beiocc 1974 or haa bcin domiakd in Erńrea for a period Of orenty
tvan *hile makrtig period*: ntin abroad.
b. posseisej high intcpih and h.\* no: bero eon-ekicd of any crimc
c. undctsrands and speaks one of the linguacc* of Encrca;
d. is ittt of any of the mcncal oe physical handicap* mcnńoned in Aniele 339-340 of the Transkory Chil Codę of Eńuea, will not hrcomc a burden to Erkican society and on providc for hit own'and hit family*s needs;
c. Kat renouneed the nationality of another country, pursuant to the legislation of that country*.
I. Kat dedded to be permanently domicilcd in Eńtrea upon the graming of hit Eńucan nationahry;
. g. hit not committcd anń-pcoplc actt do ring the Łbctiiion suuggle of the Eńuean pcopk.
• 3. A per ton shall bc graneed Eritrean Nationality by Naturaliaanon and girtn a certifkatc of nationality por wam to sub-anick 2 of the Aniele only after hc signt the oath of allepance aruched to, and is part of, this Proclamation bcforc the Scottary of Interna! Affaitt or any other o f fi ciał detignaied by him. Eritrean nationaliry pan ud putsuant to Artide 4 of this Pioclamation shaU be pcociumed in the Caactte of Eiiuean Law*.
4. A person pvcn a certiEcacc of Eńucan nation-ahry pursuant to tub-aniele 2 of duś Ankle shaU acąuire the statui of a Nacuraliaed Eńtrcan tutional as of the datę of rccripc of the ceroBcate.
5. The Sccretary of Internal Affairs may causc the namc any offspring on whose bełulf an applicacion bas bero mide by a person rcspontibk for him undtr the law and who has includtd n the ccnificjte of nationabcy of the applying person, (sk] The minor offspring shaU ac-qairc the status of a natura kicd national as of the datę of the mc Won of his natrę.
i. Any person bom to a naturaliied Eritrean national pursuant to Artide 4 of this Proclamation after the person has been gramed the status of a Naturalued National becomes an Eritrean by binh.
5. Nationality by Adoption
The Sccretary of lntcmal Affairs shaU grant Eritrean Nationaliry by NaiuraUtation and issuc a ctrńf.catc of nationality to a person adopted legally by% and upon the applicacion of, ao Eritrean national by binh or by natu-raliiation oe by the adopted person himself.
o- ..
1. Anypmonofnon lkitfcanońf^*1K>tlictuny l,,arTicd to an Eritrean cuóoołl by btrth or to a penon panted Eritrean Nationality by Naturaluation shaU be panted Eritrean Nationality by Naturahiation w hen such a person apphcs to the Sccretary of lntcmal Affairs. prońded the person.
a. has Kurd in Eńtrea with the spoure for at least three (3) yrars:
b. has renouneed hit forcign nationality and is prepared to acquif e Eritrean nationality; and
C. signs an oath of alkpaiwe pursuant to Aaock
2. A person who had hro panted Eritrean nation-ality by r ca son of marriage shaU be drpmred of his nationality by the Sccretary of Internat A ffńrs w herc such a person chootct to re-acquirc his original nationality upon the death of the spoute or by dworce or w hm ihc marnage is declarcd nut! and void by a coun of law.
7. Time and Application RcUwt to the Eaercitc
or Eńucan Nationality Rjghts
A pertoc. gramed Eritrean Nationality by NaturaJuanon pursuant to Articlcs 4 to 6 of this Proclamańoo may, as of the datę of the issuancc to him of a certificate of Eńtrcan nationality, cxcrńse the ńghts of an Entrean national rclathre to the status of natur a Wiat ion.
I. Depcwation of Nationaliry
1. A committec cotnposed of the Sccreuńes of Justlcc; Interna) Affairs and Public Adminisuation may depńvc of his nationality an Eńuean national b> biith or an Eńuean granlcd Nationality by rutwalicaoon pursuant to Anicie 4 hcrcof, who bas aitamed the age of eightcen and has capadty ursder the law urhere such a person;
a. volunuńVy acquites a forcign nationality after the publkatioo of this Proclamation; or
b. offioaBy rcnowsces has Eńuean imiona liry; or
C signs an oath of allepance of another country
aher the pubticaiioo of this Proch milion; or
d. in Yiolation of an ocpUcit pcomion of Eńucan law, sefYcs or cominucs «o servc anothrt country; or
e. is condcmned for treaton by a coun of law.
2. A committee composcd of the Sccrctaries of justice, lntcmal Affairs and Public Adminisuation may deprńc of his nationaliry a person who has bero panie J Eritrean Nationality by Naturalization (Articks 4 to 6) whcrc such a person;
a. acquiies Entrean nationaliry or a ccrrificatc of nabotulky by fraud. dece* or cooccalmenc of ócóurt bco;oc
Documrnt 16 157