nauczyciel godz, 12 i 13 |
2 godz |
ćwiczenia komunikacyjne -dialogi, symulacje, drama, role-plays itp. |
Progress test | ||||
godz. 14- |
Unit 3 |
present perfect (sińce. for. recently, alrcady. just. yet) |
traveiling to exotic places booking a room at a hotel |
types of holidays: hotel facilitiest |
R: great explorers /proftles | |
hohday | |||||||
godz. 18-21 |
Unit 4 4 godz |
recent activities (a visit to a place) |
pastimes and hobbies - places to visi( in a city |
W: writing a notę R: dubbing | ||
asking for and giving information, suggestions (whydon'1...? how | |||||||
internet |
Units 3-4 |
Progress check |
self-assessment test - units 3-4 | ||||
nauczyciel godz.23 i 24 |
2 godz |
ćwiczenia komunikacyjne -dialogi, symulacje, drama, role-plays itp. |
progress test | ||||
internet godz. 25-28 |
Unit 5 |
““‘"P |
Products and |
!. |
writing an advert | |
buying tli i nos in shops |
R |
Harrods | |||||
godz. 29-32 |
Unit 6 4 godz |
used to /would |
atarestaurant |
restaurant, cafe. fast food. food |
K |
going on a diet writing an c-mail |
i; |
Online shopping | ||||||
internet |
Units 5-6 |
Progress check |
self-assessment test - units 5-6 | ||||
nauczyciel godz.34 i 35 |
2 godz |
ćwiczenia komunikacyjne -dialogi, symulacje, |
progress test | ||||
godz. 36- |
Unit 7 |
futurę sirnple and futuro |
intervicw with a scientist |
natura! disasteis |
R: ozone laycr |