• IIM *J*V •V
labie 6. <Uxlxiłiydf:iic> Kmrt (u•MKl £)« dritcicnt tacJofcmai
Cirbohydiaccs |
Camel |
Cun |
Buffalo |
Ewc |
Goni | |||||
•c |
••>4 |
c |
K |
C |
N |
C |
N |
C |
K | |
SMque ccid |
039 |
0.39 |
0 35 |
0J9 |
0 35 |
039 |
039 |
0.3«> |
C39 |
039 |
.V, iKtryitfuoose amin |
335 |
151 |
1.39 |
3.0? |
1.67 |
1.95 |
..67 |
1.67 |
1.95 |
1-39 |
ALwso.u' |
125 |
148 |
103 |
3.38 |
191 |
125 |
170 |
1.58 |
2.43 |
3 15 |
F*kx«* |
021 |
0.21 |
U?0 |
0.21 |
071 |
071 |
JL2L |
0,21 _ |
•C-cobsimm, **N rKirnui milk.
Hic caibohydrates compositioai of LF changes aceording to spccies The LF in camci cotostrum ii łXAnicn]arlv xich tn N-acctylglucusarnin (Tafcie 6) [39].
The main claractetisuc uf camel milk i$ it$ r.chncsa in LF and its thenno rcsistancc of tliis protein. Those two charactcrittics contribute to the Health ber.cftl of camel milk. In-*!tvd, LF show* widc biolog en! propenie? that are rcported bełow.
3. Biological Propćrtic* of Lactofcrrin
The biological activity of LF depends on lite iron capa city of molccułc. Ihe biological ac-tivity of tron-unsaiuratcd LF 15 smr.lar to those of saturaied LF. but with a lower efficiency. The mam biological activilie$ could be reported fbllows:
- aiui-bacterial acmity, onti-vini$ activity.
- anti-fungal accmty,
- activation of imrmme responsc.
- anti-cardnogen activity,
- anti-inflammatoiy activity,
- analgcstcactivu>\
- anti-oxidant activity.
3. i. Ami Bucłfriai ActMty
LF has not bactcricidc ctYect on bactena with Iow iron requucmcnt. For cxample. Exx*ii nccds high non quantity, whercas Streptoroccus łacti$ need very few. So, tt cxplains tliai E.coii is inhibited by LF winie StJacds is not. Howevcr, the anti-bacter.al activity of LF has been proved many limes in vitrot but l»s nrvcr bcen dcmontfrated tn irrcfulable way in vm>. Moreover, some soicntists oonsider tiiat the cxplanation of bactcrial growth mhibitton by iron bindmg only is not satisfying. et Bacteriostatic activity of LF has bcen dcmon-strated in human mucus. in bovineoolostran and teat sccrciioa out of lactation (38J.
Aceording to Elass-Rochard et ai. (25] human and bovinc LF havc two capture sites for lipopolysacchuridc (LPS) of Escherichta coli. Afliitity of LF for LPS contributcs to the inhibition of bactcrial cndotoxins
The LF in tearc playe a tynerpjc role with antibiotic* (vancomycin) inhibiting, growth of Staphylococcns cpidermidis. main pathogen agent in ophfhalttuc infections. Indccd. tlić prcsencc of LF folds into the mhihiting activity of antibiotic (36)
Aceording to Elltson (29) LF protein has syncrgic Jtction with immunoglobins, lite cum-plenum! ami cationic protein in ncutrophilcs against grum-r>cgative$ baeteru. In the protein, it i$ N-terminal peptide of LF which trugments the c.xlcraal membranę of Gram-i>egativc