Ustawa o prawic autorskim i prawach pokrewnych, wprowadzając do porządku prawnego instytucję prawa do nadań, nawiązuje w ten sposób do standardów światowych i europejskich. Taki krok ustawodawcy zasługuje na uznanie. Tym bardziej, że kształt tych przepisów w zasadzie spełnia wymogi stawiane przez normy prawa międzynardowego.
Jędrzej Skrzypczak
A totally new construct in the Polish legał order is the category of related laws defined under the law on copyright and related laws passed by the Parliament on the 4lh of February 1994, including broadcasts of a radio or television organisation. The Article 99 provides that the law is applicable only with reference to those radio and television organisations which are based on the territory of the Republic of Poland or require protection under international agreements.
The object of protection are radio and television broadcasts. The article discusses pro-blems of interpretation following from the law, the rights of radio and television broadcasters, and the rangę of claims available to them in the event of infringement of these rights.