Pbywcs Mesh Study Rcsults Stress (solid) 1
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®Volume 9l Slice “~bne lir Arrow bne |
£va)uate Aloog Normal ) Cut bne CXre<tK>n ' Se<ond Pomt for Cut Plaoe Norma i |
tu: | |
Plot Plot |
Arrow V#ume ♦ bosurface ^Cootour Mesh |
=>. Oeformation |
. fcrstPosotforCutUne fS Cul bne Surface Normal •’/} Cut Piane Normal |
3D Animation |
In- |
^ Surface - Arrow Surface ^ Streamline Piots • |
/ Second Pomt for Cul bne . f «rst Po ni for Cut Piane Normal a Cut Piane Normal from Surface |
imape | |
P?Ot |
Add Plot |
Anributes |
Sełect |
ExpOft |
♦- • * 1T li :: *
' 3* impłamSSG.mpb (rooO * O Global Definit-oos "• Parameters ^ Materials
' IB Component 1 fcompl; s Def»mtK>ns Geometry 1 & Matercals
' O Solid Mechamcs (uxid)
*B tmear Elast* Matenai 1 - f ree 1 SB Initial Va:ucs 1
• boear Elast* Materiał 2 « Symmetry 1
• Body loadl AV^hl
**> Siudy 1 ' Rea/ts
£ DataSets V:W5
:r. Derrred Vaiues y Tabies U Stress (solid)
IB 3D Plot Group 2 IB 3D Plot Group 3 * IB Stress (solid) 1 * ~Surfxel
K Deformatroo Export \ Reports
<• PlOt
labei: Oeformation
▼ Expression
X componem: u
Y component v
Z component: w
Oispiacement f»eld (Materiał)
Title - Scalę
Scalę facto*: J 327947E9
Messages Progress tog Table
$o<ution tonę (Study IX 327 s. (5 minotes. 27 secoods)
Saved Me: implant54G/nph
Opeoed file: «mpiant5S.mph
$aved Me: impiant55G/nph
Number of deęrees of freedom softed for. 8216S8.
Sofuuoo t»rr>e (Siudy IX 325 s. (5 mmutes. 25 seconds)
1.17 GB | Ul GB