Ouvrages et articles classćs selon les matićres traitees 105
566 Mills, Anthony John. The reconnaissance survey from Gemai to Dal —
A preliminary report for 1963-1964. Kush, XIII, Khartoum, 1965,
p. 1-12.
567 Mills, Anthony John; Nordstrom, H. A. The archaeological survey
from Gemai to Dal. Preliminary report on the season 1964-65. Kush, XIV, Khartoum, 1966, p. 1-15.
568 Mills, Anthony John. The archaeological survey from Gemai to Dal.
Report on the 1965-1966 season. Kush, XV, Khartoum, 1967-68,
p. 200-210.
569 Mills, Anthony John. Reports on the survey from Gemai to Dal for the
1966-1967, 1967-1968 and 1968-1969 seasons. A paraitre dans les tomes XVI, XVII et XVIII de Kush, Khartoum.
570 Caminos, Ricardo A. Surveying Semna Gharbi. Kush, XII, Khartoum,
1964, p. 82-87.
571 Maystre, Charles. Survey de la rive est entre Sonqi et Akasha. Orientalia,
vol. 37, fasc. I, 1968, p. 121.
572 Maystre, Charles. Survey de la rive est entre Sonqi et Akasha. Orientalia,
vol. 38, fasc. 2, 1969, p. 286 et 287.
573 Maystre, Charles. Survey de la rive est entre Sonqi-Sud et Akasha.
Orientalia, vol. 39, fasc. 2, 1970, p. 354.
574 Maystre, Charles. Survey de la rive est entre Sonqi-Sud et Akasha.
Orientalia, vol. 40, fasc. 2, 1971, p. 250 et 251.
575 Maystre, Charles. Survey de la rive est entre Sonqi-Sud et Akasha.
Orientalia, vol. 41, fasc. 2, 1972, p. 271 et 272.
576 Maystre, Charles. Survey de la rive est entre Sonqi-Sud et Akasha.
Orientalia, voI. 42, fasc. 3, 1973, p. 426 et 427.
577 Hintze, Fritz. Preliminary notę on the epigraphic mission to Sudanese
Nubia, 1962. Kush, XI, Khartoum, 1963, p. 93-95.
578 Hintze, Fritz. Preliminary notę on the epigraphic expedition to Sudanese
Nubia, 1963. Kush, XII, Khartoum, 1964, p. 40-42.
579 Hintze, Fritz. Preliminary report on the epigraphic mission to Sudanese
Nubia. Kush, XIII, Khartoum, 1965, p. 13-16.
580 Almagro, Martin. La Misión Arqueológica Espanola en Nubia. Las
ciencias, n° 3, annee XXVII, 1962, p. 201-218.
581 Blanco Caro, R.; Presedo Velo, F. Spanish Archaeological Mission to
Argin — First preliminary report. Kush, X, Khartoum, 1962.
582 Almagro, M.; Presedo, F.; Pellicer, M. Preliminary report on the
Spanish excavations in the Sudan, 1961-1962. Kush, XI, Khartoum, 1963, p. 175-195. 11 fig., 45 pi.
583 Almagro; Blanco Caro; Garcia Guinea; Presedo; Pellicer; Teixidor.
Excavations by the Spanish Archaeological Mission in the Sudan, 1962-1963 and 1963-1964. Kush, XIII, Khartoum, 1965, p. 78 et suiv.
584 Almagro, Martin. Exposición de los hallazgos de la Misión Arqueológica
Espanola en Nubia (Egipto y Sudan), Madrid, Comite Espanol de la Unesco para Nubia, 1963. 32 p. et 8 pl.