Ouvrages et articles classćs selon les matićres traitees 95

446    Plumley, J. Martin. Exhibition of recent discoveries in Egypt and Sudan

by the Egypt Exploration Society at the British Museum, 16 October-30 November 1968. Londres, 1968, p. 25-43.

447    Plumley, J. Martin. Stela of Marianos, bishop of Faras. Bulletin du

Musee national de Varsovie, XI, 1971, p. 77-84.

448    Plumley, J. Martin. The scrolls of bishop Timotheos. Egypt Exploration

Society, texts from excavations, lst memoir, Londres, 1975.

449    Plumley, J. Martin. Pre-christian Nubia (23 B.C.-535 A.D.); Evidence

from Qasr Ibrim. Travaux du Centre d'archeologie mediterraneenne de TAcademie polonaise des Sciences, vol. II, Varsovie, 1972, p. 8-24.

450    Plumley, J. Martin. The Christian period of Qasr Ibrim. Some notes on

the manuscripts finds. A paraitre.

451    Plumley, J. Martin. Some examples of Christian Nubian art from the

excavations at Qasr Ibrim. Kunst und Geschichte Nubiens in Christ-licher Zeit (ed., E. Dinkler), Recklinghausen, 1970, p. 129-134.

452    Frend, W. H. C. Coptic, Greek and Nubian at Qasr Ibrim. Byzantino-

Slavica, XXXIII, 1972, p. 224-229.

453    Abou Bakr, Abdel Moneim; Rostem, Osman R. Fouilles de l’Universite

du Caire dans la region d’Aniba. Fouilles en Nubie (1959-1961), Service des antiąuites de 1’Egypte, Le Caire, 1963.

454    Heykal, Faiza; Abou Bakr, Abd el-Moneim. Tombeau de Pennout a

Aniba. Description archeologiąue. «Collection scientifique» du Centre de documentation et d’etudes sur 1’ancienne Egypte, Le Caire (sans datę). 1 vol., 22 p., de description archeologiąue.

13 Masmas, Toschke, Ermenneh, Tamit, Abdallah Nirqi

455    Almagro, Martin; Ripoll, Eduardo; Monreal, Luis. Las necrópolis de

Masmas, Alt o Egipto (campcma de 1963). Memorias de la Misión Arąueológica en Nubia, vol. III, Madrid, 1964. 81 p. et 17 pl.

456    Almagro, Martin. La necrópolis meroitica de Nag Gamus (Masmas,

Nubia egipcia). Memorias de la Misión Arąueológica en Nubia, vol. VIII, Madrid, 1965. 245 p. 30 pl.

457    Simpson, William Kelly. The tomb of Heka-Nefer, “Child of the Nur-

sery” of Tutankhamun’s court: An American excavation in a Nubian site threatened by the High Dam. The illustrated London news, vol. 238, n° 6360, 24 juin 1961, p. 1066 et 1067.

458    Simpson, William Kelly. In the land which the waters of the High Dam

will submerge: Discoveries from old kingdom to Coptic times, at Toshka west. The illustrated London news, vol. 239, n° 6363, 15 juillet 1961, p. 94-95.

459    Simpson, William Kelly. Expedition to Nubia. Archaeology, vol. 14,

n° 3, Autumn 1961, p. 213-214.


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