Ouvrages et articles selon Pordre alphabetiąue des auteurs 49

577    Strouhal, Eugen. Czechoslovak research in Nubia 1961-67. Current

anthropology, vol. 9, Chicago, 1968, p. 539-541.

578    Strouhal, Eugen. Anthropologie skalnich hrobek v Naga el-Farik v

Nubii. Zpravy Ćs, spolećnosti anthropologicke pri ĆsAV, vol. XXII, 3, 1969, p. 51-53.

579    Strouhal, Eugen. Age changes of some morphological features in Nubian

men. Materiały i Prace Anthropologiczne, Pologne, vol. 78, 1970, p. 179-190.

580    Strouhal, Eugen. New notions to the historical anthropology of Nubia

according to the materiał of Austrian and Czechoslovak inventions. Zpravy Ćs. spolećnosti anthropologicke pri ĆsAV, vol. XXIII, 1-2, 1970, p. 3-5.

581    Strouhal, Eugen. Anthropometric and functional evidence of heterosis

from Egyptian Nubia. Humań biology, vol. 43, 2, 1971, p. 271-289.

582    Strouhal, Eugen. Weight and its components in Nubian men. Symposium

on the weight of human organism, Symposium anthropologicum. Narodni museum, Prague, 1971, vol. 2, p. 153-164.

583    Strouhal, Eugen. Morphological variability of Egyptian Nubian men.

Anthropological Congress Dedicated to Aleś Hrdlićka, 30th August -5th September 1969, Prague, 1971, p. 465-471.

584    Strouhal, Eugen. A remark on the palaeodemography according to the

Czechoslovak research at Wadi Qitna. Actes du VIIe Congres international des Sciences prehistoriąues et protohistoriąues, Prague, 1966, Academia, Prague, 1971, vol. 2, p. 1272-1275.

585    Strouhal, Eugen. Physical anthropology contribution to the problems

of the Nubian X-group. Anthropological Congress Dedicated to AleS Hrdlićka, Academia, Prague, 1971, p. 541-547.

586    Strouhal, Eugen. Some remarks on medical findings and popular medical

treatment in Egyptian Nubians. Collection of papers on medical tropicology, Charles University, Prague, 1972, Part A, p. 220-225.

587    Strouhal, Eugen. Temporal and spatial analysis of some craniometric

features in ancient Egyptians and Nubians. Population biology of the Ancient Egyptians and Nubians (ed., D. Brothwell et B. Chiarelli), Academia Press, Londres, 1973, p. 121-142.

588    Strouhal, Eugen. Marriage pattern in Egyptian Nubia. Annals of the

Naprstek Museum 5-1966, Prague, 1973, p. 81-109.

589    Strouhal, Eugen. Anthropological analysis of skeletal remains from

Kertassi, Egyptian Nubia. A paraitre dans Anthropologie, Brno.

590    Strouhal, Eugen. Anthropometry of ancient Egyptian Nubians. A

paraitre dans World anthropology.

591    Strouhal, Eugen. Anthropological analysis of skeletal remains from rock

tombs at Naga El-Farik in Egyptian Nubia. A paraitre.

592    Strouhal, Eugen. S-group cemeteries at Wadi Qitna and Kalabsha. A

paraitre. Charles University, Prague. 2 vol. prevus: I. Archeologie; II. Anthropologie physiąue.


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