Ouvrages et articles selon Pordre alphabetique des auteurs 51

605    Torók, Laszló. On the State of nubiology. Acta Archaeologica Hung.,

t. 24, Budapest, 1972, p. 303-317.

606    Torók, Laszló. Zur Diskussion: Was ist Nubiologie ? Meroitic newsletter/

Bulletin d'informations meroitiąues, t. 14, Paris-Montreal, 1974, p. 49 et 50.

607    Torók, Laszló. Abdallah Nirqi 1964, finds with inscriptions. Acta

Archaeologica Hung., t. 26, Budapest, 1974, p. 369-393.

608    Torók, Laszló. Abdallah Nirqi 1964. Fragments of wall-paintings. Acta

Archaeologica Hung., t. 26, Budapest, 1974, p. 396-403.

609    Trigger, Bruce G. A Meroitic tomb inscription from Toshka west.

Postilla, Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History, 1962, n° 72. 12 p., 2 fig.

610    Trigger, Bruce G. Meroitic and Eastern Sudanie: A linguistic relation-

ship? Kush, vol. XIII, Khartoum, 1964, p. 188-194.

611    Trigger, Bruce G. History and settlement in Lower Nubia. Yale University,

Publications in anthropology n° 69, New Haven, 1965. 1 vol., vili + 224 p.

612    Trigger, Bruce G. The languages of the Northern Sudan: An historical

perspective. Journal of African studies, vol. VII, 1966, p. 19-25.

613    Trigger, Bruce G. New light on the history of settlement in Lower

Nubia. Contemporary Egyptian Nubia, New Haven, HRAFlex Book MRB-001, 1966, vol. 1, p. 21-58.

614    Trigger, Bruce G. Nubia. New catholic encyclopaedia, Catholic Uni-

versity of America Press, vol. X, Washington, 1967, p. 548 et 549.

615    Trigger, Bruce G. Spoken and written Meroitic: A notę on the terminal

formulae in Meroitic funerary inscriptions from Arminna west. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, vol. LIII, 1967, p. 166-169.

616    Trigger, Bruce G. The late Nubian settlement at Arminna west. Publica

tions of the Pennsylvania-Yale Expedition to Egypt, n° 2. New Haven-Philadelphia, 1967. 1 vol., xx + 92 p., 36 pl., 56 fig.

617    Trigger, Bruce G. The royal tombs at Qustul and Ballana and their

Meroitic antecedents. Journal of Egyptian archaeology, vol. LV, 1969, p. 117-128.

618    Trigger, Bruce G. The social significance of the diadems in the royal

tombs at Ballana. Journal of Near Eastern studies, vol. XXVIII, Chicago, 1969, p. 255-261.

619    Trigger, Bruce G. The cultural ecology of Christian Nubia. Kunst und

Geschichte Nubiens in Christlicher Zeit Recklinghausen, Verlag Aurel Bongers, 1970, p. 347-379. 11 fig., 13 pl.

620    Trigger, Bruce G. Meroitic language studies: Strategies and goals.

Meroitica I: Sudan in Altertum, Internationale Tagung fur meroiti-stische Forschungen in Berlin, 1971, p. 243-272.

621    Trigger, Bruce G. Summary of discussion and finał comments. Meroitica

I, Berlin, 1973, p. 337-349. Resumć et commentaires a propos de 1’article precćdent.


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