Nataliya Ridei, Vita Strokal

Cross-Cutting Practical Trainings for Students in the Field of Ecology and Environmental Sciences.................................................................................................................................... 75

Oksana Polozenko

Humanization of professional preparation of specialists of agricultural sphere....................... 76

Denys Shofolov, Nataliia Ridei, Svitlana Palamarchuk, Lyudmila Klymenko Structural and Functional Features of Training Futurę Ecologists........................................... 77

Andriy Kalenskiy

Model of the system of development of professionally pedagogie ethics for futurę instructors of the special disciplines of higher educational establishments of naturę protection and agrarian sectors......................................................................................................................... 78

Marie Chraskova

Role of health literacy in an information society...................................................................... 79


Youth political culture fundamentals: historical aspects.......................................................... 80

Część czwarta

DYDAKTYKA SZKOŁY WYŻSZEJ.................................................................................. 81

Nikolai I. Leonov

Developing the conflict competence in teacher education students.......................................... 82

Elżbieta Sałata

Kompetencje komunikacyjne przyszłych nauczycieli edukacji techniczno-informatycznej........    83


Competence-based approach to the formation of information competence of futurę

translators................................................................................................................................. 84

Mykola Prygodii

Subjectivity, as an important component of educational process in higher educational institutions................................................................................................................................ 85

Alexander Prokhorchuk

The defmition of “research competence”................................................................................. 86

Krzysztof Niewiadomski, Ewa Nieroba, Ireneusz Zawłocki

Zarządzanie nauką studentów przez nauczycieli akademickich............................................... 87

Piotr Muryjas

Business intelligence w zarządzaniu edukacją akademicką..................................................... 88

Yuliya Rybalko, Olena Epelboim

Quality Control of Education in the Universities of Ukrainę................................................... 89



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