A/CN.9/61 Page 63

Educational and





Fields of special interest

Maj or



Present position

Educational and



SWEDEN (continued)

B.A. , Stockholm University, 193^; LL.B., Stockholm University, 1937; doctor honoris causa, Uppsala University, 1965.

Judge of the Stockholm Court of Appeal, 1957-1966; president of the Court of Appeal for Western Sweden at Goteborg, sińce 1966; arbitrator in cases submitted to the Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce, Paris, sińce 19^9; president of the Commission on International Commercial Practice of the International Chamber of Commerce, Paris, 1951-1967; sińce 1967, honorary president of the Commission; member of the International Court at Tangier, 1953-1956; vice-president of the Arbitral Commission on Property, Rights and Interests in Germany, Koblenz, 1956-1969; neutral member of the French-German Arbitration Court at Saarbrucken, 1959; president of the third division of the Supreme Restitution Court for West Germany, Herford, sińce 196h; president of an Italian-Scmali Arbitral Tribunal in Mogadiscio, I96U; chairman of the Indo-Pakistan Western Boundary Case Tribunal, Geneva, 1965-1969; member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague, sińce 1966; arbitrator of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes, New York, sińce 1967.

International arbitration.

"Delegations regarding Conciliation and Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce".



Vice-president of the 12th division of the Svea Court of Appeal.

LL.B., 1939, Stockholm University.


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