3.2 The further recommendations of this report are submitted in two parts i.e. PART A - those based upon a majority viewpoint (paras. 3.3 to 3.4) and
PART B - those based upon a minority viewpoint (paras. 3.4 to 3.44). The two sets of recommendations do not reflect technical differences but merely dif-ferences of scalę of operation.
3.3 Based upon the experience of the present IPEGCP and the concensus of opinion of the present Sub-committee:
3.31.1 To act on behalf of the membership of ISSMFE to collect and disseminate all relevant informa-tion conceming geomechanics Computer programs.
3.31.2 To encourage scientists and engineers from among the membership of ISSMFE and other kindred institutions to take the necessary steps to complete the documentation of all of their im-portant geomechanics Computer programs and to forward abstacts of these programs for publica-tion by the Institute.
3.31.3 To act (through a relevant Sub-committee) to ensure that all programs listed in the Institute's publications fulfil the basie reąuire-ments of availability and completeness of documentation and further to warrant that the program has passed the scrutiny of at least one independent referee.
the Institute should be those of:
3.32.1 maintaining correspondence with Sub-committee members and others in endeavours to aceumu-late information conceming properly documented geomechanics Computer programs.
3.32.2 arranging (normally through Sub-committee members) for the review of all materiał supplied in order to assure a definable standard of accuracy in the published materiał
3.32.3 publication of the reviewed abstracts
3.32.4 operation without cost to members of ISSMFE (other than for basie charges for the published abstracts to cover the costs of printing and postage).
(NOTĘ: These responsibilities are currently accepted
by the Division of Applied Geomechanics, CSIRO, Australia. Although Australia is still willing to continue in this role it is suggested (by Australia) that it would be preferable for another organization in another country to accept these responsibilities in futurę).
3.33.1 A member of the Sub-committee should act, on behalf of IPEGCP, but in the capacity of an individual expert within his own sphere of
influence, (a) to identify all available sources of geomechanics Computer programs, (b) to encourage the authors of such programs to submit them for publication (after refereeing) in IPEGCP Abstracts, (c) if possible, also to act as a referee as to the ąuality and completeness of documentation of programs submitted through the Sub-committee member or otherwise.
3.33.2 A member of the Sub-committee should in the capacity of an individual expert, within his own field of expertise, offer advice to the Institute conceming new trends in geomechanics Computer programs and possible improvements in the meth-ods of operation and/or styles of publication adopted by the Institute.
3.33.3 The membership of the Sub-committee should act corporately on behalf of the membership of ISSMFE to advise the Executive of ISSMFE (through the Chairman of the Sub-committee) of the progress madę by the Institute and of any changes in the structure and/or methods of operation of the Institute which are considered to be desirable.
(NOTĘ: The present members of the Sub-committee were
appointed without prior knowledge of the tasks con-fronting them. Any new appointments should be madę against the above-defined responsibilities).
3.34.1 To direct the Institute for Publicity and Exchange of Geomechanics Computer Programs in the performance of those functions submitted for app-roval to the Executive of ISSMFE and approved at the last preceding meeting of the Executive of ISSMFE.
3.34.2 To stimulate the membership of the Sub-committee to undertake the responsibilities of their appointments (both as representatives of IPEGCP and of the Executive of ISSMFE).
3.34.3 To report, on behalf of the Institute and on behalf of the members of the Sub-committee as to progress madę by the Institute and as to pro-posals for possible changes in the structure and/ or methods of operation of the Institute.
(NOTĘ: The above responsibilities are currently
accepted by the undersigned (Dr. G.D. Aitchison) who does not wish to accept nomination for a further period in this Office).
3.4 The following is an ALTERNATIVE PROPOSAL submitted by R.L. Schiffman on 14 November 1975. This proposal was reviewed and endorsed by the Executive Committee of the U.S.National Society for Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering (Geotechnical Engineering Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers). It is recommended that the following proposal be adopted.
3.41 Introduction
Ideally, the use of computer-based techniąues in geotechnical engineering is a function of three interdependent factors. First, the geotechnical engineering problem must be amenable to analytical predictive modelling, or data analysis, which can