Ali Main Sessions were held in the "Peacock Room" of the Imperial Hotel. Each Main Session was opened with a brief introduction from the Chairman at 10:30 a.m,, followed by a 30-minute State-of-the-Art lecture by the General Reporter. The General Reporter in-troduced several points worthy of further discussions. Discussions at each session were started by each member on the panel consisting of the General Reporter, three to four Co-Re-porters, and three to four Panelists. After a panel discussion of about 40-minute, the participants recessed for a 20-minute inter-mission. The generał participants had been requested to submit written questions, if any, to the Chairman by the end of the panel discussion. The Chairman, assisted by the General Reporter, sorted out the written discussions during the intermission and chose five to seven questions from the floor. The Chairman opened the floor discussion with introduction of the pre-selected discussers. They presented their comments and discussions in 5 to 10 minutes each. After an approximately 40-minute floor discussion, closing remarks were presented by the Chairman. The Main Session lasted two and half hours and closed at 1:00 p.m. There were always morę than 1,500 persons attending at these sessions.
8. Specialty Sessions
Themes and names of the Organizer and Co-Or-ganizer of the Specialty Sessions were sug-gested at the first meeting of the Conference Advisory Committee in Stockholm in June 1974. After each key role person was approached by the Organizing Committee, they were authorized at the Executive Committee meeting held in Istanbul in April 1975. The arrangements for the Specialty Sessions were left to the dis-posal of the Organizer of each session. The outlines of the program were set forth in time by the Organizer of each session early enough to be publisized through Special Bul-letin No. 2, issued in February 1976.
Topics for discussions and the session procedurę were published, together with request that papers be submitted to each session. At the same time, the Organizer's intention of whether or not a separate Proceedings would be published was announced. Out of twelve Specialty Sessions, seven Sessions indicated the plan for publishing separate Proceedings at their own expenses. By the time of the Conference, three Sessions had published their own Proceedings.
Twelve Specialty Sessions were held in the afternoons from Monday to Thursday, three sessions taking place each day simultaneously from 3:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. East Wing and West Wing of the "Peacock Room" and the "Fuji Room" were used for the Specialty Sessions. Each session was attended by approximately 300 to 800 persons. Although the Specialty Session was designed to provide informal at-mosphere conducive to exchanging views and experiences among the participants of the Conference, the size of the audience appeared a little too large for achieving this purpose.
respondance entre les personnes ayant un rSle essentiel dans les Sessions et le Comitś d'Organisation, afin de prendre les disposi-tions necessaires pour la publication des rapports sur 1'Etat des Connaissances, ainsi que pour la conduite des Sessions Principales. Le Prćsident, le Rapporteur Gćnćral, les Co-Rapporteurs et les autres membres du Panel de chaque Session Principale se rencontr£rent la veille du jour de la session pour mettre au point les dernidres dispositions.
II y eut 4 Sessions Principales, une chaque jour, du mardi au vendredi. Toutes les Sessions Principales se sont tenues dans la salle "Peacock" de 1'hótel Imperial. Chacune des Sessions Principales fut ouverte par une brdve introduction du Prśsident, ź 10h30, suivie d'une conference de 30 mn sur 1'Etat des Connaissances par le Rapporteur Gćnćral.
Le Rapporteur Gśneral a pr§sent§ les diff£-rents points proposćs pour une discussion ultdrieure. A chacune des sessions, les discussions ont §tś ouvertes par 11intervention de chacun des membres du Panel, formś du Rapporteur G£n§ral de 3 34 Co-Rapporteurs et de 3 3 4 autres membres. Apres environ 40 mn de discussion entre les membres du Panel, il y eut une interruption de seance d'une vingt-aine de minutes. Les participants dans la salle furent priśs de soumettre leurs ques-tions ścrites ćventuelles au Prśsident avant la fin de la periode de discussion du Panel.
Le Prśsident, assist§ du Rapporteur Gćnćral, tria les questions ścrites au cours de 1'interruption de seance et s§lectionna environ 5 a 7 interventions de la salle. Le Pr§sident ouvrit cette pśriode de discussion & partir de la salle en prśsentant les orateurs choi-sis, qui eurent de 5 3 10 mn pour leurs com-mentaires et leur discussion. Apres environ 40 mn de discussion a partir de la salle, le Prśsident fit quelques remarques de synthdse. Les Sessions Principales, d'une dur£e d'en-viron 2h30 se termindrent vers 13 h. L'audi-ence dśpassa toujours 1500 personnes.
8. Sessions Spściales
Les thdmes des Sessions Sp§ciales ainsi que les noms de 1'Organisateur et du Co-Organisa-teur furent proposśs lors de la premidre rś-union du Comitd Consultatif du Congrds 2 Stockholm en juin 1974. Aprds la prise des contacts nścessaires par le Comitś d'0rgani-sation, les Organisateurs ont ete nommśs lors de la reunion du Comitś Executif tenue ź Istambuł en avril 1975. Les dispositions pour les Sessions Spściales ont Śt£ laissdes a l'initiative de 1'Organisateur de chaque session. Les grandes lignes du programme ont śtś expos£es assez tot par 1'Organisateur de cha-que session pour §tre publiees dans le bul-letin spścial n° 2 paru en f#vrier 1976.
Les sujets choisis pour la discussion et l'or-ganisation de la session ont dt§ publiśs ainsi que le thdme des Communications & soumettre a chaque session. En m6me temps, 1'Organisa-teur a fait savoir son intention de publier ou non des compte-rendus separ^s. Des projets