
Pearson Tests of English General and Young learners Tests

Warning to Test Takers

Tests held in the period 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016

1    You musi bc on timc lor uli your tests. You must remaln under supersision umil at leasl one hour (or a period equal to the dnrntion of the test ifthis is less than one hour) afler the published start i ng timc for each test

2    Kemcmbcr

•    you musi not betonie involved in any unfair or dishonest practicc in any part of the test.

•    sitimg a test in the namc of nnothcr candidate, or allowing another person to sit an test in your miiiie, is gros1 misconduct and may nmount to a crimmal olTence;

•    you must not tako Into the test room any unauthorised materiał or cquipmcńt which might givc you an unfair advantagc such as dictionories, notes, bags, personal I Vs/stcreos, electronic or radio communicatinn dcvltcs, mcluding mobile telephones, iPods mul MP3 players Any pcneil cuses lakcn into the test room must bo see-ihrough.

•    po . .osłon of unauthorised materiał is brcnklng the rules, es en łf you do not intend to use it, and you will l>e subject lo penaliy and possible disquulificution,

> I he head ofyour centrę must report to the awarding body all cases ol irregularity or misconduct connected willi the submission ol courscwork or wilh occurrcnces in the test room

I ll the awarding body is satisfied that you aro insoKed in any irregularity, misconduct or dishonesty, your rcsults may bc cancelled I or involvemcnt in scrious offentes, y ou may also be disqualified from the current test and debarred from futurę Edexcel tests

Copics of this notice must be displayed both inside and outside the test room.


   y ou must not talk to or otherwise eommunicate \n ith or disturb other candidntes oncc the test has started.


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