15A An invitation from a National Society to act as host for an International Conference and the accompanying Executive Committee meeting should be received sufficiently long in advance so that it can be placed on the Agenda of the Execu-tive Committee meeting at the time of the previous conference. An invitation for the next-but-one International Conference may also be considered and accepted at this meeting. If two or morę invitations are received the choice shall be determined by secret ballot.
If four years before a Conference is due to take place no invitation has been received, the Officers are authorised to make appropriate arrangements for one to be held.
Before accepting an invitation the Executive Committee shall be satisfied that the host country has
(i) a meeting place with appropriate facilities
(ii) suitable hotel accomodation
(iii) sufficient of interest for technical and other visits.
15B Ali members of the International Society are entitled to attend these International Conferences and a National Society offering to act as host must State clearly at the time the invitation is discussed what restrictions (if any) are imposed against the entry of foreign nationals by the Government of the country in which the conference is to be held, whether or not these are related to recommendations of the United Nations. If, after an invitation has been accepted, the said Government increases its restrictions, the President shall seek the opinion of the various National Societies as to whether or not the Conference should be held at another location with another host country, or whether the ISSMFE status of the Conference should be withdrawn and, after consultation with the other Officers, shall act in the best interests of the Society.
15C The generał programme to be followed at an International Conference shall be decided by the Conference Procedurę Committee appointed for this purpose at the Executive Committee Meeting held at the time of the previous Conference.
The detailed arrangements shall be the responsibility of the Organising Committee of the host country, in consultation with the President and the Secretary General.
15D These Conferences are intended for members of the International Society and
15A Tout proposition d'une Socidtć Nationale d'organiser un Congres International et la reunion correspond-ante du Comit§ Ex£cutif devrait £tre reęue suffisamment en avance pour qu' elle puisse §tre portee £ 1'ordre du jour de la r§union du Comite Ex§cutif tenue lors du Congres precedent. Une invitation pour le Congres International suivant le prochain Congrds International pouvra dgalement §tre examin§e et accept£e au cours de cette reunion.
Si deux invitations, ou plus, sont reęues, le choix sera fait au scrutin secret. Si quatre ans avant la datę prevue pour un Congrds, aucune invitation n'a §t£ reęue, le Bureau est autorisd & faire les demarches approprides pour que le Congres puisse avoir lieu.
Avant d'accepter une invitation, le Comitd Exdcutif devra s'assurer que le pays invitant a
(i) un lieu de rdunion avec les facilitśs approprides
(ii) des installations hotelidres conven-ables
(iii) une possibilitś suffisante de visites techniques et autres prśsentant un intśret.