(ii) that the proposed standards should be published in English and French as a separate publication
(iii) that where possible research papers to international journals should include results using at least one of the proposed standards
(iv) that a further meeting on penetra-tion testing should be held in Europę in 1979 or 1980.
(ii) que les normes proposees soient publićes en Anglais et en Franęais, sous formę d'une publication sśparee.
(iii) que, dans la mesure du possible, des articles de recherche dans des publications internationales incluent des resultats faisant appel a au moins une des normes proposśes.
(iv) qu'une rśunion ult§rieure sur les essais de penetration ait lieu en Europę en 1979 on en 1980.
Prof. de Mello queried why this matter was being considered at an International Conference rather than at a European Conference and the President pointed out that it was important that use of the new standard should become widely known.
It was agreed with one dissenting notę that the above recommendations should be adcpted.
Symbols, Units and Definitions
30. M.Baguelin, chairman of the Sub-Committee on Symbols, Units and Definitions intro-duced his committee's report and spoke first about the new edition of the Lexicon for which they also had overall charge. Unfortunately there had been considerable delay in printing the Lexicon but it was hoped that it would shortly be available. The Sub-Committee had circulated a recommended set of symbols, units and standards for generał use in soil mechanics, including penetration testing and these were outlined by M. Baguelin. Various detailed suggestions were madę in the meeting and the Sub-Committee was asked to take these into account before publication. As before the recommended symbols and units will be published in the Lexicon: they are also
to be given in Appendix 6 to these Minutes.
Le Professeur de Mello demande pourquoi cette question a et£ soulev£e lors d'un Congr£s International plutot que lors d'un Congres Europćen, et le President fait ressortir qu'il est important que 1'emploi des nouvelles normes soit largement connu. Ces recommendations sont adoptśes a 1'unanimite moins une voix.
Symboles, Unitśs et Definitions
30. M. Baguelin, President du Sous-Comite des Symboles, Unites et Definitions, presente le rapport de son Comite, et parle d’abord de la nouvelle Edition du Lexique dont il avait egalement la responsabilite. Il y a eu malheureuse-ment un retard considerable dans 1'impres-sion du Lexique, mais on espdre qu'il sera disponible sous peu. Le Sous-Comite a diffuse ce qu'il recommande comme listę de symboles, unites et normes d'usage generał en mecanique des sols, y compris pour les essais de penetration comme le souligne M.Baguelin. Plusieurs suggest
ions de details sont faites par 1'assembiee et on demande au Sous-Comite de les prendre en consideration avant la publication.
Comme auparavant, les symboles et unites recommandes seront publies dans le Lexique. Ils figurent egalement § 1'annexe 6 de ce proces ~verbal.
31. The President drew attention to the proposal that the printing of the Lexicon which had been financed by a generous grant from the National Research Council of Canada should additionally be financed by a loan of $3000 from ISSMFE funds. It was hoped that the new Lexicon would be widely purchased and used and that this loan would be recovered from the sales.
The Sub-Committee was warmly thanked for the considerable effort that had been put into this work and congratulated on their achievement.
31. Le President attire 1'attention sur le fait que 1’impression du Lexique, qui a ete financee par une bourse genereusement accordee par le National Research Council du Canada, devrait en plus §tre financee par un pręt de 3000 dollars US de la Societe Internationale. On a 1'espoir que le nouveau Lexique sera largement achete et employe et que ce pr§t sera rembourse sur les ventes. Le Sous-Comite est chaleureusement remercie pour 1'effort considerable qu'il a produit pour cette tache, et est feiicite pour sa realisation.
Publicity and Exchange of Computer Programs_
32. In the absence of Dr. Aitchison, the President first drew attention to a few points in the report of the Chairman of the Sub-Committee on Computer Programs
Publicitś et Echange de Programmes d'ord inateur
32. En 1'absence du Dr. Aitchison, le President a tout d'abord attire 1'attention sur quelques points du rapport du President du Sous-Comite pour les programmes