Finally, as he wanted to prove the validity of his accusations, Ern. Xanthos wrote about the spoił captured by the revolutionaries in the Eomanian town Galami, which had been bought cheaply by the leaders of the secret revolutionary organization of Ismail and resold “to the detriment of the common interest” (p. 5).

Em. Xanthos’ accusation is confirmed also by Athanasios Xodilos, who writes in his letter to Xanthos from the 23rd of May 1821 “you are right about the revolutionaries who stole the spoił”52, which means that this time, too, Em. Xanthos’ opinion is objective.


Very important are the information given by Em. Xanthos about the defence of Galami during the Greek Eevolution in the Eomanian Principalities.

First he mentions the exact datę, unknown until today, on which Athanasios Karpenisiotis, the commander of the defence guard of Galami, had left the central eamp of the revolutionary army in Tirgovi§te (Wallachia) for Galami (4/16 of April 1821)53. Further on, he informs us that the defence guard was composed of morę than 1000 revolutionaries and the fortification was completed with 20 eannons sent there by the leaders of the secret revolutionary organization of IsmailB4.

Except for all these, Em. Xanthos’ information about Athanasios Karpenisiotis’ mission in G^la^i, ordered by Alexandru Ipsilantis, to concentrate the revolutionary forces and to return with them back to the central camp of Tirgovi:jte, confirms the same information given by Iakovakis Eizos Kerouloss6.

The author of the letter in ąuestion informs us also that the defeat and the disaster of the revolutionary forces in Galami (1/12 May, 1821), was due to the disregard for Al. Ipsilantis’ orders. The effect of it was that the revolutionary forces remained in Galami and therefore were destroyed. Em. Xanthos considers that D. Kalamatianos, the leader of the secret revolutionary organization of Ismail, was the only one respon-sible for this disaster, because he ordered the revolutionary forces to remain in Galami.

M Xanthos, Em., op. ctt., p. 181; Xodllos, Ath., op. clt., p. 137.

M The Greek historian Ioannia Fillmon, who ls usually well Informed. considers that Athanasios Karpenisiotis left the central mllitary camp of Tlrgovl$te "In mld-April” (see, Filimon, Io.. Historlcal ... the Greek Reoolution .... vol. II, p. 141), but we believe that Ioannis Filimon, In this case, is influenced by the description of the battle of Galati, wrltten by Iakovakis Rizos Ncroulos and published In the appendlx of the second volume of Historlcal Essay about the Greek Reoolution (see, p. 364).

64 Ioannis Filimon considers that the garrison of Gala(i consisted of 600 men (Filimon, Io., Historlcal ... the Greek Reoolution .... vol. II, p. 142); Iakovakis Rizos Neroulos informs us that the garrison was formeci by 800 inen (Filimon, Io., Hlstorical... the Greek Reoolution..., .... vol II, p. 364); an eyewitness of the battle of Galati talks about “1200 soldiers*’ (Filimon, Io., Historlcal... the Greek Reoolution..., vol. II, p. 387); finally Athanasios Xodilos Informs us that the garrison of Galati was formed of 900 men “without the Greeks, who were in the ships" (Xodilos, Ath., op. cii., p. 53). According to these data Em. Xan-thos information is very near to the truth.

66 Filimon, Io., Hlstorical ... the Greek Reoolution .... vol. II, p. 364.


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