and tjiat oC tha Offlea* ad effort on bahalf of tha Armaniana ln l.hia dlreotlen would appaar te be al] tt« noro imparatlya, ln yiaa ol' an intlaation Juat raaalyad rroa t)va .'orląt >orarn»ant# vla tha Jraak Oownanti to Uha affaei- that any hopa of furthar tranafara of htnenlan rafu.;aoa fron ireaaa to i.orlat Arownlan £iat ba aliaiidonad for tha prua*nta aa a raault of tlta raeoat aaruhąuaka. lou «1119 I ati aura, ahara my oplnlon that thia unfortunate aotbaak randara lt naoaaaary, on the ona hand, tliat tha Armaniana ahould not gain tha lmpraaalon that Uiair hopaa hava ono a mora baan daohod ta tha ^rnund, and on tha athwr ha <d, that tha incaraata of prlva'a orranlaatlona workln: lor tha rafufaaa ahould omtinua to ba onllated on bahalf ol’ praotioal aattlamaot aohamaa.

.h*ra Ib ono other lmportant quaatlon, aloaaly affaauln* Ute lnlarasta of tha raih tai, ln aonnaitlon wlth ahi oh I afii anxloua to aaoura your paraona1 lntaraat ano aupport. au will rwwlar that you oonaldnj^d lt :ioaoa: ary, ln viaa of tha noononio atrlm.anay ln uropo, and of tho aonacquant lncreaaing dlffloulty of plaalng rafUęui a ln thia oontlnant, to aand tha rroa tar mlaalon to oouih A^urloa to aaplora tha poaalblllelaa of rafup.aa aaitlauant ln that part of tha aoftld* branta hava • hown that that lnltlatlra «aa avan mora *ar-aly,htad than lt appoarcd at tha tlcaaa aa *ranaaa tha ona atrenua ln turopa o pan to tha rafugaaa* haa noa raaahad aa tura tlen. point aa far aa forel*-;n lahour la aonawrnad. Kor tha aa roatma, lt la anaunbant on ua to rcdoubla our afforta for t.łta aettlarant of r«fU. a aa oyaraaac, and nora aapa-olally ln :*outh Anorloa* jcporionco haa a! o*na howowr,


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