The above mentioned circumstance was ąuoted and underlined by T. Calimaki, the agent of the tJmted Prmcipalities at Belgrade : “Les consuls d’Autriche ont pour mission en Orient d’entretenir par de faux rapports la mćfiance entre les Principautós serbe et roumaine et la Sublime Porte ... A l’aide de ce manóge, le gouYernement autrichien espere d’ćviter toute entente entre les peuples de race roumaine et serbe de 1’Autriche et ceux de meme race de la Turąuie”.16

The Eomanian-Serbian community of objectives opposing the Turkish and Austrian rule 17 — the two countries being united by their common interest — is illustrated by the statement madę by the minister of Foreign Affairs of the Umted Principalities : “Lhdentitó de la position de la Serbie et de la Boumanie”.18 With regard to the position adopted towards the guaranteeing powers,19 the common Eomanian-Serbian policy aimed at establishing an independent position characterized by : rapprochement with France, Eussia, Prussia, Sardinia, States which were generally favourable20 to their independence; opposition to the policy promoted by Austria and Turkey ; and endeavour to attract or neutralize the action of Great Britain. 21

The common policy pursued by Bomania and Serbia towards the European powers aimed chiefly at: awarding a new content to the inter-national guarantee with a view to removing the limitation of State

lf See Agent of the United Principalities at Belgrade to the Ruhng Prmcc, Belgrade, March 19, 1864, in R V Bosy, Agentia diplomaticd a Romdniei tn Belgrad §i legdturile romdno-strbc sub Cuza Vodó. (Romania’s diplomatic agency at Belgrade and the Romanian—Serbian relations. under Cuza’s reign), Romanian Academy, History Section, Sec III, tome XV, memorandum 2, Bucharest 1934, Annex 19, pp 37 — 38 (henceforward ąuoted “Agenda . ” (Agency . ).

17 See N Iorga, Histoire des £tats balcamęues jusqu’d. 1924, Pans, 1925, p. 354

11 See Minister of Foreign Affairs to Magasmouitsh, the Serbian diplomatic agent at Bucharest, May 12, 1865, MAE vol 278, sheet 62r.

According to the provisions of the Pans Treaty of March 30,1856, the guaranteeing powers were the following France, Russia, England, Austria, Prussia, Sardinia (respectively Italy, when this denomination was assumed) and Turkey , the latter as suzerain state at the same time, according to the “ab antiquo” relations, maintained within certain limits by the above mentioned treaty.

20    Refernng to France’s position, T Callimaki informed the ruling Pnnce : “L’on compte beaucoup sur nous en France. On y parait persuadć que la Serbie se guide d’apres notre politi-que”, afterwards pointing out the cordial relations with the consul of France at Belgrade, wha had stated “qu’il comptait beaucoup dans le cas d*une guerre sur 1’appui que je donnerai^ (See T Callimaki to the Pnnce's Cabinet, Belgrade, September 21 /October 3, 1863, Library of the Academy, MS Section, Cuza Archwes, vol. XIX, sheet 401r — 401v Cf Lj Alecsić, Attitude de la France enuers la Serbie pendant le dcuziłmc rłgnc des pnnees Milos et Mihailo (1828—1868), Belgrade, 1957, concerning the position of the Romanian agent at Belgrade towards the attitude of the representatives of Italy, Russia and Sardinia, see the United Principalities9 agency at Belgrade to the Prince's Cabinet, Belgrade, November 19, 1863, in „Agency ” annex no. 13„ p 33 , T. Callimaki to the ruling Prince, December 17/29, 1863, MAE, vol no 278, sheet 25r —26r

21    Concerning England*s position, T Callimaki reported to the Pnnce, that England viewed with dissatisfaction the relations estabhshed between the Pnncipa ities and Serbia (see T. Callimaki to the Pnnce, July 16/28, MAE, vol. no. 278, sheet 44r —45v The Bntish pubha opimon sympathized with Serbia, but the English government was bound to the conservative policy in the East (See A Ubicini, La Serbie deuant la Conference, Pans-Leipzig, 1862, p 28)^


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